
  • 网络Safety concept
  1. 强化安全理念渗透构建特色安全文化

    Strengthening the Infiltration of the Safety Concept and Constructing Characteristic Safety Culture

  2. 贯彻以人为本安全理念搞好煤矿安全生产

    Carrying on the Safety Concept of " Man First ", Doing a Good Job of Work Safety in Coalmines

  3. 安全理念起源于我们自己的本地操作系统(OS)环境。

    The idea of security starts with our own local operating system ( OS ) environment .

  4. 道路安全理念在山区公路设计中的应用

    Application of Road Safety Ideas in Mountain Area Highway Design

  5. 现代安全理念与油气管道的安全保障体系

    Modern Safety Idea and Safety Guarantee System of Oil & Gas Pipelines

  6. 廉价的微型车几乎不符合他们的安全理念。

    A tiny cheap car would hardly be their idea of safety .

  7. 石化企业牢固树立持续安全理念的几点思考

    Thinking on Firm Establishment Concept of " Continuing Safety " in Petrochemical Enterprise

  8. 加强海上安全理念教育培养未来优秀航海人才

    Enhancing Maritime Safety Education and Fostering Prospective Excellent Navigators

  9. 经济法安全理念的解析

    Analysis of the Safety Theory of Economy Law

  10. 企业安全理念与企业核心竞争力是两个不同范畴的概念,它们的内涵和外延都不相同。

    Concept of enterprise safety and core competition are two different conceptions in different categories .

  11. 提升安全理念加强安全管理&三峡工程加强安全施工的体会

    Promoting Idea & Strengthening Management on Safety

  12. 使安全理念成为集团强烈的、重要而且可持续的价值!

    To make the safety philosophy to a strong vital and sustainable value of the group !

  13. 第一章着重阐述亚太地区的多边安全理念和实践。

    Chapter One mainly deals with the multilateral security conceptions and practices in the Asia-Pacific region .

  14. 从美国绝对安全理念看奥巴马无核世界思想

    Obama 's Idea on " Nuclear-free World " as Seen from the U.S. " Absolute Security " Concept

  15. 第三章论述后冷战时代加拿大对人类安全理念的探索。

    The third chapter discusses the exploration on the idea of human security in Canada in post-cold war .

  16. 新型国家金融安全理念与我国银行业对外开放实证分析

    An Empirical Study on the Opening-up Practice of the Banking Sector in China Based on the New Concept of the NFS

  17. 这一变化要求世界各国及时调整自身的安全理念以及安全战略以适应新的国际环境。

    This change requires the countries around the world to timely adjust its security concept and security strategy to accommodate the new international environment .

  18. 法院在对公司捐赠行为的效力进行裁判的过程中是基于交易安全理念和对相关主体的利益平衡的基础上进行的。

    The court 's judgments of the validity of corporation 's donation are based on the idea of bargain safe and the benefit balance of related people .

  19. 后工业时代宏观经济风险凸显诱发了宏观经济安全理念产生,并使其成为经济法安全理念的重要内核。

    Macroeconomy risk in late industry time induced the safety theory of macroeconomy to happen , and made it the major part of the safety theory of economy law .

  20. 不,奥巴马对恐怖主义表现软弱;更糟糕的是,他正在颠覆国家安全理念,使之转变为一种宏伟的雄心:把美国变成一个欧洲式社会。

    No , Mr Obama is soft on terrorism ; worse , he is subverting the nation 's security to an over-arching ambition to turn the US into a European-style society .

  21. 现实需要联合国以更为宽泛的安全理念为基础构建全球共识,有效发挥全球性安全机制的作用。

    The reality demands that the UN build a global consensus based on a more extensive security perception , so as to play its role as a global security regime more effectively .

  22. 核电厂的安全理念必须贯穿核电厂厂址选择、设计、建造、调试、运行、直至退役的整个过程。

    The concept on the safety of nuclear power plants ( NPPs ) should be involved in the entire process of siting , design , construction , commissioning , operation and decommissioning .

  23. 巴西寻求“把安全理念与发展理念相联系,”他说,说虽然这两个方面有他们的“特殊性,”,这两个问题是紧密的结合在一起。

    Brazil was seeking to " associate the idea of security with that of development ," he said , saying that while both areas had their " particularities ," the two issues were entwined .

  24. 人们的安全理念、安全价值观和判断标准也发生了深刻的变革,以关爱生命、关注安全为主旨的全社会的安全文化,正在逐步形成。

    People 's security idea , the security values and the judgment standard has also had the profound transformation , take " shows loving concern the life , the attention security " as the primary intention entire society 's security culture , is forming gradually .

  25. 因此在汽车非常普及的今天,如何应用高技术手段,秉承科技创安,公共安全理念,在汽车上采取防范交通事故的安全预警技术措施,有效减少交通事故的发生,就显得非常重要。

    Therefore it is very important how to apply the prevention measures about security early warning technology adhering to the " science and technology make security , public safety " idea to effectively reduce auto accidents in current times cars have being become very popular .

  26. 中方建议,通过举办亚信非政府论坛等方式,建立亚信各方民间交流网络,为广泛传播亚信安全理念、提升亚信影响力、推进地区安全治理奠定坚实社会基础。

    China proposes that we put in place a nongovernmental exchange network for various parties of CICA through holding CICA nongovernmental forums and other means , so as to lay a solid social foundation for spreading the CICA concept of security , increasing CICAs influence and promoting regional security governance .

  27. 尽管“五秒法则”看上去并不像是食品科学家们最为紧迫需要深究的问题,但是调查类似的食物传言还是值得的,因为这形成了我们对于何时吃食物是安全的理念。

    While the " five-second rule " might not seem like the most pressing issue for food scientists to get to the bottom of , it 's still worth investigating food myths like this one because they shape our beliefs about when food is safe to eat .

  28. 论安全文化理念是预防事故之根本

    The discuss safety cultural idea is root of prevent accident

  29. 实验室管理与安全的理念更新和改革&访德国卡尔斯鲁尔大学实验室

    Conceptional Renovation and Comprehensive Reform of Laboratory Administration and Security

  30. 杜邦安全管理理念在电力建设中的应用实践

    Application of DuPont Safety Management Ideas in Electric Power Construction