
  • 网络Safety Assessment;SAFA;Functional Safety Evaluation;ITSEC
  1. 基于证据理论的多Agent煤矿工作面安全评估

    Safety Assessment on Coal Mining Face in Multiple Agent Based on Evidence Theory

  2. 文章描述了一个3D几何模型的快速建立方式,它适合舰船的安全评估。

    This paper describes a 3D geometric modeling method for warship safety assessment .

  3. 本文设计了一种基于DSP芯片控制的漏电流安全评估系统。

    This thesis designs a leakage current safety assessment system based on the control of DSP chip .

  4. ISO体系下的空中交通管制安全评估系统研究

    Research of Atc Safety Assessment System Based on ISO

  5. 综合安全评估(FSA)及其在船舶安全中的应用

    FSA and Its Applications to the Safety of Ships

  6. 船舶规范化安全评估(FSA)与船舶航行安全

    Formal Safety Assessment and Safety Navigation of Ships

  7. 人因综合安全评估(FSA)方法在海洋结构物事故中的应用研究

    Applied research of human factor formal safety assessment ( FSA ) for offshore structures

  8. 采用改进的AHP方法与生存性分层评估方法(SHEM)对某新闻网进行了安全评估。

    The IAHP and SHEM are applied to the survivable evaluation of a news website .

  9. 将概率影响图理论引入到船舶综合安全评估中,解决FSA中的定量风险分析问题;

    Introduce probabilistic influence diagram into FSA to settle the quantitative risk analysis in FSA ;

  10. 最后用VISUALBASIC语言研发了一套包括机舱设备状态监测与安全评估模块、船舶应急事件处理模块、船舶机舱设备维修管理模块及船舶设备备件管理清单模块的软件系统。

    Finally , by use of the Visual Basic programming language , it introduces design of ship engine-room management system , which is composed of condition monitoring and safety assessment module , engine room emergency module , engine-room maintenance module .

  11. 电子政务中的一个标准零部件:ASI及其语法、机制及安全评估

    A Standard Part on Electronic Government Affair : ASI and its Syntax , Mechanism and Security Evaluation

  12. 基于VMT的火灾安全评估系统的面向对象分析

    Object-Oriented Analysis of a Fire Safety Evaluation System based on VMT

  13. 功能安全评估第一部分:设定FSA边界,定义FSA范围及计划FSA

    Functional Safety Assessment Part 1 : Setting the Boundaries of the FSA , Defining the Scope and Planning the FSA

  14. 电力系统电压安全评估商业软件VSAT的计算结果验证了该分析方法的有效性。

    Computation results of the software Voltage Security Assessment Tool ( VAST ) prove the feasibility of the power transmission paths analysis .

  15. 本文把综合安全评估(FSA)法的流程应用于港口水域船舶通航安全评价中来,试图研究出适合港口水域船舶交通安全的具体方法。

    This thesis introduces FSA procedure to evaluate navigable safety of port waters , and tries to find out the concrete assessment approaches of traffic safety in port waters .

  16. 为此采用FSA5个标准步序,针对这种影响进行了安全评估,探讨了人为因素风险分析和FSA从理论到实践应用的可行性。

    So the safety assessment aiming at these effects has been carried out by using the five standard procedures of FSA , and the feasibility of putting the theory into practice is explored , which is about human factor risk analysis and FSA .

  17. 在上述闸门有限元应力分析的基础上,应用概率断裂力学建立了裂纹的极限状态方程,并用JC法求出裂纹的失效概率,以此对闸门焊接缺陷的可靠度作出安全评估。

    On the basis of the finite element stress analysis of the gate , the paper establishes the limit state equations of cracks by probability rupture mechanics , and obtains the failure probability of the cracks . Finally , the failure probability of the cracks is elementary estimated .

  18. 搭建并开发了农村水电站安全评估系统的模型和软件。

    Build and develop rural hydropower safety assessment model and software .

  19. 冶金铸造起重机桥架主梁使用安全评估

    Safety Evaluation for the Bridges of Ingot Casting Crane in Service

  20. 在役钢闸门的安全评估研究

    Study of the Safe Assessment of in - Service Steel Gate

  21. 一种基于灰色层次分析法的信息安全评估模型

    Model of information security evaluation based on gray analytical hierarchy process

  22. 本文也分析了网络安全评估的主要几种模型。

    The thesis also analyzes the main models of network security .

  23. 高温临氢管道材料的损伤和安全评估

    Damage and Safety Evaluation of Pipeline under Elevated Temperature Hydrogen Environment

  24. 计算机网络信息安全评估系统

    Assessment system for the security of the computer network 's information

  25. 基于灰色理论的网络信息安全评估模型的研究

    The Research of Network Security Risk Evaluation Model Based on Gray-Theory

  26. 基于概率的保持前缀地址随机化算法的安全评估

    Probability Analysis Based Prefix Preserving IP Address Anonymization Scheme Security Evaluation

  27. 船舶机舱安全评估分析与展望

    Analysis and Prospect on the Safety Assessment of Marine Engineering Room

  28. 加层建筑裂缝后的安全评估

    Safety assessment for building on which cracks appear after stories adding works

  29. 可拓学理论在深基坑安全评估中的应用研究

    Application of Extension Theory in Safety Evaluation of Deep Excavation

  30. 信息系统安全评估理论及其关键技术研究

    Research on the Theories and Key Technologies of Information System Security Evaluation