
  • 网络Shipping policy
  1. 论航运政策的概念与政策目的

    On the Concept and Purpose of Shipping Policy

  2. 国际航运政策研究工作对于国家航运业以及国民经济、政治、军事方面等具有重要意义。

    Internationai shipping policy holds significant position in our national transportation business and national economy , politics and defence .

  3. 第二部分,建立我国国际航运政策体系的思考。

    The second part is about the establishment of the international policy system .

  4. 基于系统动力学的长江航运政策研究

    Yangtze River Policy Research Based on Systems Dynamics

  5. 究其原因,主要是因为我国的航运政策、航运服务、航运文化等航运软实力疲软。

    The main reason is that our shipping soft power such as shipping policy , service , and culture is weak .

  6. 航运政策作为一国总经济政策的一个组成部分,体现了一国对该国的航运业所取的具体政策。

    National shipping policy , as an element of overall economic policy , represents the attitude of a nation towards shipping .

  7. 第二次世界大战之后,国际经济结构和政治力量变化所产生的种种矛盾,事实上已逐步成为加强国家干预和船旗歧视航运政策的主要因素。

    The contradictions stemming from the changes of the international economic structure and political forces since World War ⅱ have in fact transformed into the main factors of national policy decisions of strengthening state intervention and flag discrimination .

  8. 国际航运经济政策开放性比较评价体系

    An Opening Comparative Assessment System for International Shipping Economic Policies

  9. 我国航运企业短期融资政策研究

    The Research of the Short-term Financing Policy for Shipping Corporation

  10. 欧盟内河航运市场管理法律政策及对我国的启示研究

    Research on the European Inland Waterway Shipping Market Management Legal Regime and Related Policies and the Enlightening to Our Country

  11. 并在此基础上,从短期融资政策相关内容,即短期融资规模、短期融资结构和短期融资方式选择三个方面揭示了航运企业短期融资政策目前暴露出来的问题。

    Based on the above paragraphs , the paper disclosed the exposed problems in the current short-term financing strategy of shipping company in aspect of short-term financing policy contents , which is short-term financing scale , structure and methods .

  12. 因此,笔者提出实行冒险型的融资结构和采用应收账款融资的方式,试图为航运企业短期融资政策的完善提供一定的理论依据及指导性建议。

    Therefore , author proposes that the corporation should apply the venturesome financing structure and adopt the accounts receivable financing methods , so that to provide some theory support and advisory suggestion for the consummation of short-term financing policy for shipping company .

  13. 航运业的迅速发展与航运政策是密不可分的,文章比较分析了我国的航运政策。

    The prompt development of shipping field depends on the maritime policy , the paper focuses on comparisons of china 's present maritime policies .

  14. 第一部分,论述我国航运业的发展、国际航运政策的沿革并对之进行评价。

    The first part expounds and evaluates the development of the shipping industry and the evolution of the international shipping policy from the Opium War to now .

  15. 鉴于航运经济的特点和国家航运政策价值取向的多元化,对航运市场竞争行为的规范,不能一味追求竞争制度的完善,要充分考虑航运业的特殊性。

    Considering the characteristic of shipping economy and the diversity of shipping policy , we should not pursue the perfection of competition law for shipping industry blindly , but take the specialty of shipping industry into full consideration .

  16. 为提高香港航运业的竞争力,特区政府有必要改革航运政策机制,考虑兴建新码头,并引入新营运商。

    It concludes that Hong Kong 's economy and competitiveness in marine transportation would be greatly enhanced if the Hong Kong government reforms its relevant policy and takes into consideration building a new port with new operators .

  17. 本文主要立足于我国的情况,结合经济发展的内在规律,从航运业的发展着手,从历史与现实两个层面对我国国际航运政策进行分析、探讨。

    Based on the situation of our country , combining the inherent law of the economic development and in light of the development of the shipping industry , the dissertation analyzes the international shipping policy of our country .

  18. 国际航运是一项历史悠久的服务产业,各国政府都极为重视航运业的发展,绝大多数国家都采取多种航运政策来发展自己国家的航运业。

    International Shipping is a service industry with a long history , on which each government has been paying strong emphases . Most countries are developing their national marine industry via various shipping policies .

  19. 分析了长江航运发展中面临的挑战和未来的发展方向,论述了发展长江航运配送的可行性,讨论了航运配送的市场选择问题,提出了加快配送体系建设和促进航运配送发展的政策建议。

    The paper analyzes the challenge and trend in development of Changjiang River shipping , discusses the workability of developing shipping distribution and the choice of market and puts forward the policy advice to speed up the construction of distribution system and promote the development of shipping distribution .