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Study on deep development of waterpower resources in tourism at Antu county
Study on distribution of touring productive force at Antu county
Epidemiological Survey on Paragonimiasis in Antu County
A fossil human tooth from Jilin Province
Described Antu County Tourism Development Strategy .
Relatively high risk region extends northwest with its main part in border of Antu County ;
Focused on analyzing the strategic adjustment of the regional economic development impact on the security plan .
The features of the sporo-pollen assemblage and its geological significance in cave deposits in Antu county , jilin Province
We has been tying to make some suggestion about deep development of waterpower resources in tourism at Antu county .
Take Antu County as a case study , it is indicated that the research model of applying Behavioristic Psychology is good and feasible .
Research on human adaptive behavior to global change in the view of behavioristic psychology indicated from the case study of Antu county , Jilin Province
The moderate risk region is relatively large with its main part in borders of Antu , Helong , Changbai , Jingyu and Fusong Counties .
Results 39 species of 5 genera of family Tabanidae have been recorded from 4 cities and counties of frontiers between Korea and Jilin province in China .
It is located between An Tu and Bai Shan in Ji Lin province , and it is also the border mountain between China and the North Korea .
There are well-found category mineral resources in Antu county area , 50 kinds of minerals have been discovered , such as gold 、 coal 、 basalt 、 molybdenum 、 Iron 、 mineral water 、 terrestrial heat etc.
Proposed Antu tourism industry development : to strengthen the scientific planning of Antu tourism to strengthen the promotion of tourism attractions to promote , strengthen investment in infrastructure construction , strengthen the training of tourism personnel to introduce and strengthen efforts to promote the tourism industry .
First , Changbai Mountain management system to adjust its Antu tourism industry development impact , and second , Yan Lung integrated implementation of the strategy of the development impact of Antu tourism industry and the third is a new way into the mountains Antu tourism industry development impact .