
  1. 安琪酵母:温度为32℃;pH值为5.03;接种量为1.1‰;汁液锤度为14Brix。

    Anqi Yeast : a temperature of 32 ℃; pH value of 5.03 ; inoculation of 1.1 ‰; juice Brix to 14 Brix .

  2. 拥有酵母的核心技术和庞大生产能力,为安琪公司生产高质量且品质稳定的YE奠定了良好的基础。

    The core technology and high productivity lay a good foundation for Angel to produce YE with high and stable quality .

  3. 提到YE,大家或许还比较陌生,但提及到安琪酵母抽提物,许多业内人士可能都比较熟悉。

    Maybe we are unfamiliar with the name of YE , however , many insiders will be familiar with Angel yeast extract .

  4. 为了借势强化酵母抽提物对广大民众的认识,安琪公司将生涩的“酵母抽提物”单词简化成便于记忆的“YE”。

    With the purpose of strengthening the understanding of the public on the yeast extract , Angel abbreviates the obscure " yeast extract " into " YE " that is easy to remember .

  5. 在这种新工艺试验中采用安琪牌耐高温酿酒活性干酵母TH-AADY与双酶法低温蒸煮的配套工艺。

    TH-AADY and two-enzymes of low-temperature cooking and liquefaction correlate process is adopted in this new technological process .

  6. 分别加入安琪活性干酵母、丹宝利活性干酵母和Y1酵母酿造草莓酒。

    Then fermentation experiments were conducted by using Angel active dry yeast , Danbaoli active dry yeast and Y1 yeast respectively to produce strawberry wine .

  7. 而同时添加安琪酵母和木糖发酵菌株进行产乙醇发酵试验,得到酒精产量4.156%,残糖量1.130mg/mL,酒精得率0.181g/g(酒精/消耗的糖)。

    Add Angel Yeast while strains of yeast and fermentation of xylose fermentation ethanol production test , the ethanol yield 4.156 percent , residual sugar 1.130 mg / mL , ethanol yield of 0.226g/g ( alcohol / consumption of sugar ) .

  8. 以柿果、白糯米为原料,采用安琪葡萄酒酵母和Q303为菌种生产柿果糯米黄酒。

    Persimmon and glutinous rice were used as raw materials and Angel wine yeast and Q303were used as starter to produce persimmon & glutinous rice yellow rice wine .

  9. 安琪酵母:消费升级和国际出口打开增长空间

    Angel Yeast : Consumption Upgrade and International Export Open Rising Space

  10. 安琪酿酒曲在小曲酒生产中的应用技术

    Application of Angel Distiller ′ s Yeast in Xiaoqu Liquor Production

  11. 我答应安琪会每天打给她。

    I promised Angie that I would call her every day .

  12. 安琪很多研究项目具有大好的发展前景。

    The exciting prospects result from many Angel 's research projects .

  13. 安琪酵母&科技铺就发展路

    Angel Yeast - Science and technology pave the way for development

  14. 对安琪果酒酵母生长特性进行了研究。

    The growth characteristics of Angel fruit wine yeast were studied .

  15. 而对于我们,都拥有一个巨大的财富,那就是安琪公司。

    We all have a big treasure called angel Yeast Company .

  16. 用原始的营销方式创出骄人的营销业绩&记湖北安琪酵母股份有限公司酵母下乡的成功实践

    Create the marketing achievement of proud people in original marketing way

  17. 安琪啤酒活性干酵母酿造特性研究

    Study on the Brewing Characteristics of Angel Beer Active Dry Yeast

  18. 安琪葡萄酒高活性干酵母发酵桑果酒试验初报

    Preliminary Report of Mulberry Wine Fermented by Angel Grape Wine Yeast

  19. 安琪,你这样笑是什么意思?

    Angel , what do you mean by that laugh ?

  20. 哦,哇!太谢谢了,安琪。

    Oh , Wow ! Thanks a million , Angie .

  21. 安琪牌TH&AADY的生产概述及质量标准检测

    Brief Introduction to Angel Brand TH & AADY and Its Quality Detection

  22. 安琪葡萄酒酵母在果酒中的广泛应用

    Extensive Application of Angel Brand Grape Wine Yeast in Fruit Wine Brewing

  23. 安琪超级酿酒干酵母在酒精浓醪发酵中的应用

    Application of Angel Super Dry Yeast in High Gravity Fermentation of Alcohol

  24. 但安琪,别说我们从未努力过。

    But Angie , Angie , U cant say we never tried .

  25. 安琪,记住你是在和父母说话。

    Angel , please remember you 're addressing your parents .

  26. 首先,本文简要介绍了安琪酵母股份有限公司的发展历程;

    First , this paper introduces development of Angel Yeast Co. , Ltd.

  27. 但安琪,我依然爱你,宝贝。

    But angie , I still love you baby .

  28. 安琪:你是唯一一个奇葩的。

    Angie : Then you 're the only one .

  29. 你联合安琪骗过我爸?

    You have cheated my dad with angela ?

  30. 部分安琪的追随者后来成了圣吴苏乐修会。

    Some of Angela 's followers became known as the Order of Saint Ursula .