
  • 网络ANTALYA;Kaleici;AYT;Attaleia
  1. 安塔利亚,土耳其&10296600(-1.6%)

    Antalya , Turkey & 10,296 , 600 ( - 1.6 % )

  2. 会议将在安塔利亚举办,位于美丽的地中海和土耳其河。

    The meeting is going to be held in Antalya , located beautifully at the Mediterranean Sea or the Turkish Riviera .

  3. 安塔利亚土耳其西南部一城市,位于地中海入口处的安塔利亚湾岸边。

    A city of southwest Turkey on the Gulf of Antalya , an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea .

  4. 两个较小的岛屿被雅利安统治着,分别是安塔利亚和艾尔。

    The two smaller islands were under the rule of Aryan , and were known as Atalya and Eyre .

  5. 俄罗斯一名31岁的红发前女间谍在土耳其度假胜地安塔利亚开办了自己的首场个人休闲时装秀。

    The 31 year old redhead launched her line of casual clothes at a show in the Turkish resort of Antalya .

  6. 雅利安岛是人口最多的,并对奥戈岛、安塔利亚岛和艾尔岛施加影响和政治控制。

    The island of Aryan was the most populated , and exerted influence and political control over Og , Atalya and Eyre .