
ān kāng
  • Ankang;good health;enjoy good health;be hearty and robust
安康 [ān kāng]
  • [be hearty and robust;enjoy good health] 身体健康,生活安稳

安康[ān kāng]
  1. 用安康设计营造住区

    Construct Residential Quarters by Good Health Design

  2. 强化产科安全护理保障母婴安康

    Strengthen the Safety of Nursing Care in Obstetrical Department , to Guarantee Mothers and Babies in Good Health

  3. 孩子的幸福安康应该永远比父母的愿望来得更重要。

    The welfare of a child should always override the wishes of its parents

  4. 祝您安康!

    Here 's wishing you the best of health ! or may you enjoy good health !

  5. 安康电站尾水门机电气控制系统PLC改造

    Alteration of Control System with PLC for Hoist of Tail Water Gate in Ankang Hydropower Station

  6. SWOT分析下的安康旅游产业竞争力体系构建

    The Construction of Competitive System of Tourism Industry in Ankang with the SWOT Analysis

  7. 测定表明安康矿属占位调制及位移调制的复合型无公度调制,而且沿c轴方向为方波调制。

    The determination indicates that the incommensurate modulation of ankangite is a combination of occupancy modulation and displacive modulation , and is a square wave modulation along c-axis .

  8. 安康水电厂PSS投运对改善系统阻尼特性的研究

    Research on Improvement of System Damping Characteristics by PSS in Ankang Hydropower Plant

  9. 文中介绍了安康电厂水调自动化系统Web网站的特点、关键技术和功能以及设计思路,对水电站水库调度自动化系统具有一定的指导意义。

    The characteristics , key techniques , functions and design idea of the Web station of this system are introduced , which are of significance to the waterpower scheduling automation system of hydropower stations .

  10. 安康水电站100t垂直升船机电气设计

    Electric design of 100 t vertical ship lift in Ankang Hydropower Station

  11. 安康10KV城区配电网无功优化的研究

    Reactive Power Compensation of the 10 KV Distribution System on Ankang

  12. 本论文采用PCR结合荧光半自动检测技术(GeneScan技术)对7个不同系统化性的家蚕品种和安康野桑蚕样品的11个微卫星座位进行基因组扫描研究。

    In present study , 7 silkworm Bombyx mori and B. mandarina Ankang were investigated with the fluorescent semi-automated detection technology ( GeneScan ) , 11 microsatellite loci were used .

  13. 研究显示,安康和咸阳烟区的主要病毒类群均为TMV和CMV,但是咸阳地区两种主要病毒类群的复合侵染的比率要明显高于安康地区;

    The result showed that TMV and CMV were epidemic species in Ankang and Xianyang , and the rate of complex infection of TMV and CMV in Xianyang was higher than that of in Ankang ;

  14. 美国几个州已禁止进口中国鲶鱼,同时美国监管部门也就进口中国安康鱼(monkfish)发出了警告。

    Several US states have banned imports of catfish from China , while US regulators have warned about imports of Chinese monkfish .

  15. 安康水电站100t垂直升船机是通过门式起升机构将上游船只从18号、19号坝段之间垂直提升至坝顶,再水平运至下游降入消力池航道。

    100t vertical ship lift in Ankang Hydropower Station vertically lifts the upstream ship through gantry crane mechanism from No. 18 and No. 19 dam sections to the dam top and then transports it horizontally to the ship channel in the downstream .

  16. 本试验以陕西安康的桑椹果渣为原料,研究了溶剂浸提法、微波萃取法及超声波提取桑椹红色素的最佳工艺;研究了LSA-21大孔吸附树脂纯化桑椹红色素的纯化工艺;

    The optimal parameters of extracting mulberry red pigment by solvent , microwave and ultrasonic wave , the purification parameters of pigment by LSA-21 macroporous resin , the stability and antioxidation in vitro of pigment have been studied in this paper .

  17. 方法··:本文对1992年-1998年天津市安康医院收治的1020例脱毒治疗者的病史资料进行了文档分析调查。结果··:本市药物滥用者以30a以下青年男性为主;

    Method : Case retrospective analysis was conducted in 1020 drug abusers who were treated in Ankang hospital during 1992 to 1998 . Result : Most of the drug abusers in this area were unemployed and self-employed young men under the age of 30 with low educational level .

  18. 低热微膨胀水泥在安康工程中的应用

    Application of low heat little expansion cement in Ankang hydropower station

  19. 安康83.8洪水灾害及防汛工作简析

    A brief analysis on Ankang 83.8 flood and flood control work

  20. 汉江安康段水质卫生评价

    Sanitary Evaluation on Water Quality of Ankang Section of Hanjiang River

  21. 你的全身充满了安康与完美的力量。

    You are filled with the energy of well-being and completeness .

  22. 安康水资源利用的技术报告

    A Technical Report of the Utilities of Water Resources in Ankang

  23. 汉江安康港口工程建设项目管理

    Construction Project Management of Ankang Harbor Project on the Hanjiang River

  24. 安康鱼皮明胶的制备及性质研究

    Study on the extraction and property of gelatin from anglerfish skin

  25. 安康方言中兼表完成体意义的几个动词

    The Verbs That Expressing Concurrently the Perfect Aspect in Ankang Dialect

  26. 提高安康西南部电网安全运行的方案研究

    Scheme to Improve the Safe Operation of Ankang West-south Power Grid

  27. 安康市中小学体育教师队伍现状研究

    Researching on the P.E. Teachers of Ankang Primary and Secondary School

  28. 安康市中小学教师职后培训现状的调查与思考

    Reflections on the Present Situation of Teachers Training in Ankang City

  29. 当前南北经济关系特点大西北开发与安康

    NORTH - SOUTH ECONOMIC RELATIONS The North - West Exploitation and Ankang

  30. 安康水库洪水优化调度联合模型研究

    Study on Flood Optimization Dispatching Joint Model of Ankang Reservoir