
  • 网络andrea;Andreas;Andria
  1. 乳癌防治基金会的苏珊·G·科曼的女发言人安德里亚•雷德称,这项活动并不是该组织发起的。

    Andrea Rader , a spokeswoman for the Susan G.Komen for the Cure foundation , said the group was not behind the campaign .

  2. 现任风险投资公司XGVentures创始合伙人(与原谷歌员工安德里亚o祖瑞克合作)。

    now , a founding partner at XG Ventures ( with ex-Googler Andrea Zurek ) .

  3. 经济合作与发展组织(OECD)中非关系专家安德里亚•戈尔德施泰因(AndreaGoldstein)表示,随着时间的推移,中国向非洲的低成本出口将成为造成紧张局面的一个关键因素。

    Andrea Goldstein , a Sino-Africa researcher with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development said low-cost Chinese exports to Africa could develop into a key source of tension over time .

  4. 今年4月,安德里亚•贝尼特斯(AndreaBenitez)——一位人脉广泛的政界人士之女——来到墨西哥城一家时髦的餐厅,她那天并未预约,当没能坐到心仪的座位后,她在餐厅大发雷霆。

    In April , Andrea Benitez , the daughter of a well-connected politician , turned up at a trendy restaurant in Mexico City without a reservation and threw a fit when she was not given the table she wanted .

  5. 安德里亚说她要去看看她那些在监狱的伙伴们。

    Andrea says shes going to see her prison peeps .

  6. 安德里亚:你担心我会忘记歌词?

    Andrea : You think I 'm going to forget the lyrics ?

  7. 安德里亚,我得到街那边去。

    Andrea , I have to go across the street .

  8. 昨天来自安德里亚的风雨在佛罗里达肆虐。

    Wind and rain from Andrea started heating Florida yesterday .

  9. 安德里亚:我的嗓音有什么问题吗?

    Andrea : What 's wrong with my singing voice ?

  10. 劳拉•D安德里亚•泰森是总统经济复苏顾问委员会成员。

    Laura D'Andrea Tyson is on the president 's Economic Recovery Advisory Board .

  11. 安德里亚:这儿有一间楼顶房间,每晚400美元。

    Andrea : There is a penthouse room for $ 400 a night .

  12. 有一天晚上,我带安德里亚出去吃饭。

    I took Andrea out to dinner one evening .

  13. 监狱的那群朋友们会欢迎安德里亚还是让她见鬼去呢?

    Should the prison group welcome Andrea or tell her to go to hell ?

  14. 他的父母是宾夕法尼亚州蓝铃市的安德里亚和乔恩·布朗森夫妇。

    He is a son of Andrea and Jon Bronson of Blue Bell , Pa.

  15. 安德里亚:帮我决定订哪一种房间。

    Andrea : Help me decide on which type of hotel room to book .

  16. 安德里亚:好的,我能订到一间高层的房间。

    Andrea : Okay , I can request a room on an upper floor .

  17. 安德里亚:不适合?

    Andrea : Not a good fit ?

  18. 是安德里亚的主意,是她怂恿我那么干的。

    B : It was Andrea 's idea . She put mo up to it .

  19. 昨天在安德里亚的是一场热带风暴,

    Andrea was a tropical storm yesterday ,

  20. 安德里亚:你在干什么?

    Andrea : What are you doing ?

  21. 安德里亚抓住莉萨的胳膊。

    Andria grabbed Lisa 's arm .

  22. 为了找到这个问题的答案,记者采访了《无线通信》作者安德里亚•戈德史密斯。

    To find out , we asked Andrea Goldsmith , author of the book Wireless Communications .

  23. 安德里亚考鲍尔报道。

    Andrea cople has the story .

  24. 安德里亚:如果你认为很不合理,还有其他的选择。

    Andrea : If you think that 's too steep , there are a few other options .

  25. 好的,还有,安德里亚,晚上把书给我送家去。

    Fine . and , andrea , I would likeyou to deliver the book to my home tonight .

  26. 这里的少年发明家之一的高中生安德里亚·李谈论她的作品。

    High school senior Andrea Li was one of the teen inventors here , talking about her work .

  27. 我不是想跟你们阳光歌唱队分手,安德里亚,我仍然想跟大伙一起工作。

    I ? M not trying to break up the sunshine singers , andrea . I still want to work with them .

  28. 任教于克利特岛多恩大学的安德里亚.霍密斯说校园里有许多女性正在被此所扰。

    Andrea Holmes , who teaches at Doane College in Crete , said many women on college campuses were being affected by this .

  29. 但是位于海德堡的德国癌症研究中心的安德里亚•阿尔提耶里与同事们经过研究得出的结论。

    But that is the conclusion of a study conducted by Andrea Altieri and his colleagues at the German Cancer Research Centre , in Heidelberg .

  30. 据周日镜报报道,利物浦希望在转会窗口开启之时卸下瑞安·巴贝尔、安德列·沃洛宁和安德里亚·多赛纳这些边缘球员来为购买新援筹集资金。

    The Sunday Mirror says Liverpool hope to offload Ryan Babel , Andrei Voronin and Andrea Dossena in the transfer window to free up cash for new signings .