
ān dào ěr
  • Andorra
安道尔[ān dào ěr]
  1. 与其接壤的有比利时、卢森堡公国、德国、瑞士、意大利、摩纳哥、安道尔共和国(Andorra)及西班牙。

    It is bordered by Belgium , Luxembourg , Germany , Switzerland , Italy , Monaco , Andorra , and Spain .

  2. 该规定仅适用于27个加入签证豁免计划(visawaiverprogramme)国家的公民,其中包括多数西欧国家,以及安道尔、澳大利亚、文莱、日本、新西兰和新加坡。

    The rule will only apply to citizens of the 27 visa waiver programme countries , which includes most of Western Europe , in addition to Andorra , Australia , Brunei , Japan , New Zealand , and Singapore .

  3. 沃斯在CBC的午间广播中说这对他来说是一种学习经历,“完全不了解安道尔共和国,立陶宛和列支敦士登也不太知道。”

    Voth told CBC 's Radio Noon that it has been a learning experience for him , " Andorra , I had no clue about . Same with Lithuania and Lichtenstein . "

  4. 事实上,如果上海的数字是准确的(似乎有点不太可能),那么只有摩纳哥、澳门、新加坡、日本、根西岛(Guernsey)、安道尔和圣马力的诺居民比上海人活得更长久。

    In fact , if the Shanghai figures are accurate ( which seems a little unlikely ), only Monaco , Macao , Singapore , Japan , Guernsey , Andorra and San Marino inhabitants are living longer .

  5. 安道尔是一个位于法国和西班牙之间的小山地共和国。

    Andora is a small mountain republic between France and Spain .

  6. 在安道尔举行的有东道国参加的预选资格赛

    a preliminary qualifying tournament in Andorra involving the host country .

  7. 现行名单上只有摩纳哥、安道尔和列支敦士登。

    The existing list includes only Monaco , Andorra and Liechtenstein .

  8. 问题24.安道尔出口产品包括什么?

    Question 24.What is one of the products Andorra exports ?

  9. 安道尔在近1000年的时间里没有经历过战争。

    Andorra has never been in a war in almost 1,000 years .

  10. 麦克拉伦的队员们在对阵安道尔的上半场比赛中非常努力。

    Steve McClaren 's side struggled in the first half against Andorra .

  11. 安道尔险峻的山谷之中主要种植土豆和烟草。

    Potatoes and tobacco are grown in Andorra 's steep mountain valleys .

  12. 安道尔也作为极佳的滑雪胜地而闻名遐迩。

    Andorra is also known for its excellent skiing locations .

  13. 安道尔没有国家银行,也从来没有过自己的货币。

    Andorra has no national bank and has never had its own currency .

  14. 英格兰队将在本周六和下周三分别迎战安道尔和马其顿。

    England play minnows Andorra on Saturday and Macedonia on Wednesday 6 September .

  15. 目前,安道尔使用欧元作为自己的货币。

    Andorra currently used the Euro as its currency .

  16. 安道尔的滑雪气象预报是将有大雪、能见度低。

    The ski report for Andorra was for heavy snow and poor visibility .

  17. 安道尔不是欧盟成员,不是欧洲自由贸易区成员,也不是欧元区成员。

    Andorra is not part of the EU , EFTA or the Euro zone .

  18. 抵达安道尔首都的最短路径是通过西班牙的赫罗纳机场。

    The closest option to Andorra 's capital is Girona-Costa Brava Airport in Spain .

  19. 以前,安道尔用西班牙比塞塔作为自己的货币,有时也用法郎。

    Before that it primarily used the Spanish Peseta and sometimes the French Franc .

  20. 拉丁美洲,葡萄牙,西班牙,安道尔等国领导人正在智利会晤。

    Latin American , Portuguese , Spanish and Andorran leaders were meeting in Chile .

  21. 安道尔生产大量烟草。

    Andorra produces a lot of Tobacco .

  22. 安道尔是全世界唯一一个将加泰罗尼亚语作为官方语言的国家。

    Andorra is the only country in the world with Catalan as its official language .

  23. 我感到非常惊讶的一点是,安道尔生产大量烟草。

    One thing that surprised me here is how much tobacco is produced in Andorra .

  24. 安道尔的本地人或居民。他们在新居安顿下来。

    A native or inhabitant of Andorra . They are settled in their new house .

  25. 列支敦士登和安道尔周四双双表示了愿意配合国际调查的意愿。

    On Thursday , Liechtenstein and Andorra both indicated a wish to cooperate with international probes .

  26. 我们有许多队员可以轮换,并且实力远强于安道尔队。

    We have a lot of players who can come in and more quality than Andorra .

  27. 安道尔是一个国家。

    Andorra is a country .

  28. 英格兰在三月份客场对阵以色列和安道尔的比赛对欧文来说可能过早了一点。

    England 's away double against Israel and Andorra in March will be too early for Owen .

  29. 安道尔,占地200平方英里,要比摩纳哥大不少。

    Andorra , with an area of some 200 square miles , is considerably larger than Monaco .

  30. 确切地说,安道尔在第一次世界大战时确实对德国宣战了,但从未送任何人上战场。

    Technically , Andorra did declare war on Germany in WWI but never sent anyone into the conflict .