
  • 网络anlong;Anlong County
  1. 贵州省安龙县狂犬病的流行病学研究

    An Epidemiological Study of Rabies in Anlong County of Guizhou Province

  2. 贵州省安龙县21例人狂犬病的流行病学调查

    The survey of 21 cases of human rabies in Anlong county in Guizhou province

  3. 结论犬饲养量大,犬的病毒携带率高,伤后处理不及时不规范,疫苗接种率低可能是安龙县狂犬病发病爆发性流行的主要原因。

    Conclusion The increasing number of dog , high rate of virus carrier in dogs , incorrect treatment of the wound , and as well as low inoculating rate of rabies vaccine might he responsible for the outbreak of rabies in Anlong county .