
  • 网络Zhenfeng;Zhenfeng County
  1. 第三部分(第二章):贞丰县中小学教师语言使用态度。

    The third part ( Chapter ⅱ): Zhenfeng , the attitude of primary and secondary school teachers in the use of languages .

  2. 本文以贵州省贞丰县为个案研究,以贞丰县中小学学生语言使用情况为研究内容。

    This thesis is a case study on language use of students in elementary and secondary schools in Zhenfeng County , Guizhou Province .

  3. 旅游目的地推广市场突破期营销战略&贵州贞丰县旅游市场营销实战

    On Business Strategy of Promoting Tourist Destination Market

  4. 居住在贵州黔西南自治州西南角上的兴义、安龙、册亨、望谟、贞丰等县的布依族属第一土语区。

    Live in southwestern autonomous prefecture in Guizhou province in the southwest corner of Xingyi , Enron , Ceheng , Wangmo , Zhenfeng , County of bouyei in the case of a dialect area .