
  • 网络Research on Song History
  1. 宋史研究的新视点

    New Horizon on Song Dynasty History Studies

  2. 他既是优秀编辑,又是宋史研究的学者。

    He is not only an excellent editor , but also a scholar of Song Dynasty .

  3. 现代科学意义上的宋史研究,开始于20世纪。

    The study of Song Dynasty History in the ways of modern science began in the 20 th century . Prof.

  4. 宋代财政史一直是宋史研究的一个重点和热点,但对中央与地方财政制度的研究还是比较欠缺。

    The research of the Song history of public finance has been an emphasis , but lacks in public finance relation between central and local governments .

  5. 可以说,这六十年的宋朝断代史编撰取得了非常丰富的研究成果,是宋史研究取得重大进展的时期。

    It can be said that the sixty years ' Compilation of dynastic history of the Song has obtained a wealth of research results and it is the period in which the Song has obtained significant progress in research .

  6. 在近现代的中国哲学史研究中,对两宋哲学史的研究大多着眼于理学与新学,而苏洵、苏轼、苏辙为代表的蜀学却一直被置于冷落的境地。

    In the study of modern Chinese philosophy , researches on History of Philosophy in North and South Song Dynasties focus on Neo-Confucianism and New Learning whilst Shu Xue represented by Su Xun , Su Shi and Su Zhe is snubbed for quite a long time .

  7. 因此对宋史和宋学研究者而言,《尽言集》是殊可宝贵的历史文献。

    So it is the first-hand material and is valuable for the study of Song dynasty .

  8. 近年来,学术界掀起了关于秦桧归宋与评价等问题的讨论,这是推进宋史研究的一件好事。

    In recent years , there is an academic contend about Qin Hui , s return to the Song Dynasty . It is a good deed for advancing the study of the Song history .