
  1. 将《蜗居》当中的人物分为三个层次,即郭海萍、苏淳为一个层次,宋思明为一个层次,小贝和郭海藻为一个层次。

    The " dwelling " among the characters is divided into three levels , GUO Hai-ping Su Chun as a level , Song Siming a level , Beckham and Guo algae as a hierarchy .

  2. 一个本来清纯的大学毕业生,被都市灯红酒绿的生活慢慢侵蚀,最后做了别人的第三者,成了已婚的在政府工作的宋思明的情人。

    She was initially a pure and innocent graduate , but was later eroded by the life in metropolis , and finally became a lover of Song Siming , a government official who had got married .

  3. 毋庸质疑,宋思明是爱海藻的,可是他是不可能给海藻幸福的,他不能和他老婆离婚,不管是出于报恩的需要,还是出于政治仕途的考虑。

    Needless to say , Song Siming loved her deeply , but he could not give her real happiness , for he could not divorce his wife due to either what he had owned her or his political career .