
hónɡ ɡuān shè huì xué
  • macrosociology
  1. 微观社会学主要研究社会行为,宏观社会学主要研究社会结构。

    Micro-sociology deals with social behaviors , while macro-sociology , social structures .

  2. 功能论和冲突论是宏观社会学理论中长期对立的两种不同理论取向。

    Functionalism and Conflict Theory are two conflicting theoretical approaches in Macro-Sociological theories .

  3. 宏观社会学与微观社会学之关系探析

    Understanding the relationship between macro-sociology and micro-sociology

  4. 学术界早就注意到宏观社会学因素与科学技术创造的关系,而对于教师因素这一重要的学校社会学条件则缺乏必要的研究。

    Much academic attention has been given to the relationship between macro-sociology and scientific and technological creation , but there is a lack of necessary study of the important factor of teachers in school sociology .

  5. 论述了功能主义理论在体育社会学研究、宏观体育社会学和微观体育社会学中的应用。

    This paper studies the application of functionalist theory in sports sociology from micro to macro perspective .

  6. 旅游者群体研究包括社会关系、跨文化交际、社会影响、旅游人流等宏观旅游社会学的层面。

    , forms the micro sociology of tourism , while tourist group research , including social relationship , cross cultural communication , social impact and tourist flow etc.

  7. 二是从宏观层面,论述布尔迪厄高等教育宏观社会学的思想,主要介绍高等教育的社会功能,分析其文化再生产和阶级关系再生产的过程;

    Second , the study discussed his macro-sociological thoughts , mainly introducing the social function of higher education , analyzing the culture and class relation reproducing process ;