
  1. 本文分析了加入WTO对中国宏观财政政策效应的影响,并探讨了加入WTO后我国宏观财政政策的取向问题。

    This paper analyzes the influence of entering into WTO on macro fiscal policy 's effect and discusses what kind of macro fiscal policy our country should adopt .

  2. 加入WTO将是中国经济的第二次对外开放,将对我国当前的贸易政策、利率政策和资本流动政策产生深远影响,而这些政策将影响我国宏观财政政策的效应。

    Entering into WTO Will be China 's opening for the second time , which will make a long influence on the trade policy , interest policy and capital moving policy in our country which will influence the macro fiscal policy 's effect .

  3. 改革以来宏观财政政策的选择与效果分析

    The Analysis of the Choice and Effect on Macro Financial Policy After Reform and Opening-up

  4. 政府为抑制通货紧缩采取了一系列宏观财政政策和货币政策来刺激投资和消费需求,但效果并不明显。

    The government has taken a package of fiscal and monetary policy measures to stimulate investment and consumption demand .

  5. 在阐释宏观财政政策及效果概念的基础上,提出财政政策效果的绝对指标和相对指标;

    Based on expounding macro-financial policy and its effect , this paper puts forward both the absolute index and relative index .

  6. 宏观财政政策是一种公共物品,其有效性的标准是,在实现政府利益的同时,能够增进社会的福利。

    The macro fiscal policy is a kind of public goods , which should increase the social welfare while realize the government benefit .

  7. 分析了我国农村人力资源开发的现状和存在问题,提出了农村人力资源开发的总体思路。文章认为,要从市场机制和宏观财政政策两个方面着手大力推进农村人力资源开发。

    The article think : We should push the exploitation of rural manpower forward vigorously from two aspects which are market-made and macro-financial policy .

  8. 而投资乘数的存在,是宏观财政政策选择的重要依据,也是财政政策发挥程度的一种检验。

    The existence of investment multiplication is the basis for the selection of macro-financial policy and the inspection of the extent to exert financial policy .

  9. 中国宏观财政调控政策提升了社会总体效用吗?

    Does Chinese Fiscal Policy Increase Total Social Utility ?

  10. 宏观经济中财政政策与货币政策的选择

    The Choice of Financial Policies and Monetary Policies in Macro Economy

  11. 体制性缺陷对货币政策作用的限制与财政政策自身特点使宏观调控对财政政策有更强的依赖性,在经济转轨阶段财政政策可以发挥促进经济稳定增长的作用。

    Secondly , the fiscal policy has the more important status than the monetary policy for the macroscopic controlling and the function of the fiscal policy to economic stability and growth .

  12. 当前我国宏观经济形势与财政政策分析

    An Analysis on China 's Current Macroeconomic Situation and Fiscal Policies

  13. 宏观货币政策和财政政策的控制管理策略

    Optimal Control Mangement of Macro Monetary and Macro Fiscal Policies

  14. 宏观经济运行与财政政策。

    The macro economy function and fiscal policy .

  15. 探讨了在开放条件下,宏观经济的财政货币政策,特别是研究了国际资本流动问题;

    Seven . Exploring the financial and monetary policy of the macro - economy under an open system , particularly studying the question of the flow of international capital ;