
  • 网络Macroeconomic regulation;macroeconomic control;macro-economic control;Macro regulation
  1. 货币政策是宏观经济调控的重要工具。

    Monetary policy is an important instrument in macroeconomic control .

  2. 我国新一轮宏观经济调控中的货币政策:局限性及调整思路

    Study on the Monetary Policy as a Tool of Macroeconomic Control in China : Limitation and Adjustment Ideas

  3. 在国民经济核算中扩展综合环境与经济核算、计算绿色GDP,是政府实施宏观经济调控、实现经济可持续增长的重要手段之一。

    Extensive comprehensive environment and economic assessment , calculation of green GDP in national economy is one of the important measures for a government to make macro-economic control and realize sustainable economic development .

  4. 美国银行(bankofamerica)驻香港的王庆(qingwang)表示,政府部门为控制经济增速在去年下半年采取了宏观经济调控措施,最近对宏观调控的放松,也可以解释外汇储备增长的原因。

    Qing Wang of the Bank of America in Hong Kong said a recent easing of macroeconomic controls used by the authorities in the second half of last year to damp the economy could also explain the rise .

  5. (二)宏观经济调控的主要任务和内容。

    The main task and contents of the macro-economic control system .

  6. 我国正处在经济建设的攻坚阶段,寻求稳定物价水平下的经济持续增长,是我国宏观经济调控的重要目标。

    Our country is in the crucial stage of economic construction .

  7. 我国宏观经济调控效果的辩证分析

    The Dialectical Analysis on the Regulation and Control Effect of Macro-economy

  8. 国防费:国防战略与宏观经济调控

    Expenditure on National Defense : National Defense Strategy and Macro-Economy Regulation

  9. 这是中国宏观经济调控的核心。

    This is at the core of China 's macroeconomic control .

  10. 资金流量统计核算与宏观经济调控

    Statistic Accounting of Fund Flow and the Regulation of Macro Economy

  11. 欧盟税收政策协调与宏观经济调控

    The Harmonization of Tax Policy of EU and Macroeconomic Coordination

  12. 文章的结论支持当前的宏观经济调控政策。

    Our conclusion is supportive to the present macroeconomic policies .

  13. 关于我国宏观经济调控问题的思索

    Some Reflection upon the Issues of Macro-economic Adjusting and Controlling

  14. 加强宏观经济调控,加快现代化建设步伐。

    Strengthen macro-economic control , quicken the tempo of modernization .

  15. 罗斯福新政对我国当前宏观经济调控的启示

    " Rooseeevelt new policy " inspiration to China present macro economy control

  16. 论宏观经济调控中的政府失灵

    On the Failure of the Government in Macro Economic Control

  17. 论宏观经济调控的目标和手段

    On the Objectives and the Means of Adjustment and Control of Macro-economy

  18. 充分就业应是我国宏观经济调控的首要目标

    Adequate employment is the prior target for the macro economic control in China

  19. 宏观经济调控短期不会结束

    Impact from Macro Economic Control Measures Will not be over in short term

  20. 培育市场体系,健全宏观经济调控体系;

    Cultivate market system , strengthen the system of macroeconomic adjustment and control ;

  21. 第二部分:国债市场与宏观经济调控。

    National debt market and macro - economic regulation .

  22. 对中国六年来宏观经济调控政策的反思与展望

    The Introspection and Outlook on the Chinese Macro-economy Management Policy in Six Years

  23. 建立健全宏观经济调控机制。

    Establishing and improving the macro economic control mechanism ;

  24. 论建立和完善宏观经济调控体系

    Establishing and Perfecting the System of Macro-economic Adjustment

  25. 在国家的宏观经济调控中,金融调控无疑在其中扮演着核心的角色。

    Undoubtedly , finance-control acts as a core role in the national macroeconomic control .

  26. 因此,调节投资已经成为宏观经济调控的主要政策之一。

    And regulating investment has become one of the main policies of macro control .

  27. 当前宏观经济调控的形势及走势

    Current Situation and Trend under Macro Economic Measures

  28. 论赤字预算与宏观经济调控

    On Budget Deficits and the Control of Macroeconomy

  29. 价格杠杆作为国家宏观经济调控的重要手段,有其坚实的理论基础。

    As an important method of macro-economy control , pricing macro-control has strong theoretical basis .

  30. 利率水平的高低,体现国家宏观经济调控的政策导向。

    The level of interest rate embody policy leading of macro-control of finance of countries .