
ɡuó jì huà
  • internationalize
  • internationalization
  1. 再者,WTO框架内区域一体化经济组织也使国际化发展成为企业克服贸易转移效益的重要手段。

    Moreover , area integrate frame organization of economic relations make and internationalize and develop WTO .

  2. 您应该能够将上述代码直接剪切复制到您自己的代码中来实现您Web页面的国际化。

    You should be able to simply cut and paste the above code into your own code to internationalize your web pages .

  3. 他们一直想使克什米尔问题国际化。

    They have been trying to internationalise the Kashmir problem .

  4. 这一冲突实际上很有可能演变成国际化问题。

    A very real danger exists of the conflict becoming internationalised

  5. 伦敦一直是一个国际化都市。

    London has always been a cosmopolitan city .

  6. 如果您想犒劳一下自己,马耳他希尔顿酒店将为您提供高水准的国际化服务。

    If you want to treat yourself , the Malta Hilton offers high international standards .

  7. Vogue全球编辑总监安娜·温图尔表示,“我很高兴章凝成为了《Vogue服饰与美容》的新任编辑总监,她国际化的成长背景、对数字媒体的精通,以及广泛的兴趣爱好,势必能为《Vogue服饰与美容》带来更好的发展。”

    Anna Wintour , Vogue 's global editorial director says : " I am so delighted that Margaret is our new editor in chief of Vogue China . Her international experience , exceptional multiplatform digital expertise , and wide-ranging interests are the perfect combination to lead Vogue China into the future . "

  8. 持续打造市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境

    Make sustained efforts to create a market-oriented , law-based , and internationalized business environment .

  9. 充分利用WTO教育服务贸易大力推进高等教育国际化

    On WTO Educational Service Trade and Internationalized Higher Learning Education

  10. 加入WTO后汉语言教育的国际化、产业化

    Internationalization and Industrialization of the Chinese Language Education after China 's entry into WTO

  11. 所有这些.properties文件都应符合Java国际化标准命名约定。

    All such . properties file should follow the Java internationalization standard naming convention .

  12. WTO与中国高等教育国际化

    WTO and China 's Higher Education Internationalization

  13. 我国加入WTO后会计准则国际化刍议

    Modest Proposal for the Internationalization of Accounting Standard after Entering into WTO of Our Country

  14. 建筑国际化与CM模式在中国的应用

    Construction Internationalization and the Application of CM Approach in China

  15. 加入WTO后,我国众多行业参与国际化的大市场竞争。

    Almost all the professions in our country will compete with international enterprises after we come into WTO .

  16. 面对我国加入WTO及申办2008年奥运会的成功,我国未来的社会、经济会更加国际化,国际经济技术合作与交流也将会不断增多。

    After China 's accession to WTO and winning 2008 Olympics , international cooperation of economy and technology will be expanding definitely .

  17. 随着我国加入WTO,中国家电行业面临着国际化的挑战,家电行业正在经历前所未有的变革。

    With China 's accession to WTO , the Chinese household appliance industry faces the challenge of internationalization and is experiencing unprecedented transformation .

  18. 圆钢管混凝土受压曲杆的力学性能研究基于Struts下的国际化


  19. UNIX国际化及中文应用环境

    UNIX Internationalization and Chinese Application Environment

  20. HSE管理体系在国际化清洗工程中的应用

    Application of HSE MS in international chemical cleaning project

  21. 加入WTO之后,高校人才培养的环境发生了变化:国际国内对高层次人才的需求上升,人才需求及人才标准国际化,防止西化分化的任务艰巨。

    After acceding to WTO , the environment of training talented persons in colleges and universities has changed ; the demands for advanced talented persons in rising ;

  22. 随着国际生产的扩展和日益深化,外国直接投资(FDI)作为生产国际化的载体日益受到人们的关注和研究。

    With the enlargement and deepening of international production , FDI has been paid more and more attention as the way leads to production internationalization .

  23. Spring上下文包括企业服务,例如JNDI、EJB、电子邮件、国际化、校验和调度功能。

    The Spring context includes enterprise services such as JNDI , EJB , e-mail , internalization , validation , and scheduling functionality .

  24. 然而SA8000标准却对中小企业的国际化经营提出了更大的挑战。

    SA8000 , however , raises a great challenge to the achievement of internationalized management .

  25. 伴随我国加入WTO以及受到经济全球化的影响,会计的国际化趋势日益明显,企业会计风险也就在所难免。

    After China 's entry into WTO , business accounting will be more and more internationalized along with the influence of economic globalization . It is also true of business accounting risk .

  26. 探讨CBA联赛外籍球员的整体表现、引进、管理、对联赛的影响以及对联赛的国际化推广方面的作用等问题;

    This thesis discusses the performance , administration and invitation of foreign players as well as their influence on CBA .

  27. 加入WTO,实现证券市场国际化,对我国证券业的生存与发展将产生重大的影响,对证券市场监管也提出了更高的要求。

    Entering WTO and realizing the internationalization of the stock market will have great influence on the existence and development of China 's securities market , and set higher demands on the stock market supervision .

  28. 随着国企经营的市场化、国际化,特别是中国加入WTO后,人力资本已经成为企业之间竞争核心。谁在人才的竞争中取得优势,谁就有可能在经济发展中占主导地位。

    With the development of the State Owned Enterprise ( SOE ) towards market-orientation and internationalization , especially after China 's entry into WTO , human resources has become the core of competition among the enterprises .

  29. 我国高等教育只有抓住有利的、积极的一面来应对WTO,才能适应经济全球化的特点和需要,才能培养出具有创新精神和创新能力的国际化人才。

    Authorities in higher education should the advantageous and positive factors of its own to cope with the entrance to the WTO , and that it can develop internationalized talented persons with creative minds and abilities .

  30. RD国际化的目的是利用国外的科技资源和降低风险、充分满足东道国市场的需求以及建立跨国公司自己的RD网络以加强垄断优势等。

    The purpose is to utilize foreign technological resources and decentralize risks , to more perfectly meet local market requirements , to establish its own international R & D network and therefore to strengthen its monopoly advantage .