
guó yǔ
  • Mandarin;Chinese national language;common speech;the national language used by the people at large;Chinese as a subject in middle school or in primary school
国语 [guó yǔ]
  • (1) [Chinese national language]∶中国主要方言,全国约五分之四地方使用

  • (2) [common speech]∶中国学校和政府过去所用的官方语言,现在叫做普通话

  • (3) [chinese as a subject in middle school or in primary school]∶过去指中、小学的语文课

国语[guó yǔ]
  1. 2010年,联合国新闻部(现全球传播部)宣布启动联合国语言日(LanguageDays)。联合国语言日的倡议旨在庆贺多种语文的使用和文化多样性,并促进六种官方语言在联合国的平等使用。

    Language Days at the United Nations seek to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six official languages throughout the Organization .

  2. 当然除了新专辑的歌以外,我会演唱我的新歌《TakeYourTime》的国语版,以及一些应景的歌曲。

    I 'll be sure to perform my new song " Take Your Time " 's Mandarin version , and also sing some holiday songs in addition to songs from my albums .

  3. n.本国语;土语这些非洲部落的土语是没有语法的。

    vernacular There is not a single grammar book on the vernacular of this African tribe .

  4. 最佳国语女歌手奖归属于香港歌手莫文蔚,她在CD专辑《宝贝》中展现了她活泼又悠闲的声乐。

    The award for Best Mandarin Female Performer went to Hong Kong 's Karen Mok , who showcased her jazzy and laid-back vocals on the CD Precious .

  5. 早在我国语法研究草创时期,NP的VP这种语言材料就引起一些语法学者的关注。但语法学界通常所说的NP的VP,其中VP多为一些名动词。

    In as early as the initial researching stage of Chinese grammar , some grammarians has paid much attention to the structure of NP de VP .

  6. 官方语言和国语是僧伽罗语(Sinhala)(74%)。

    The official and national language is Sinhala ( 74 % ) .

  7. 北京第二外国语大学近日根据各景区网络口碑的大数据分析,发布了全国5A级景区10强榜单。

    Beijing International Studies University recently released a top 10 list of China 's 5A scenic areas based on big data analyses of their online reputations .

  8. 国际化域名或idns是用你本国语表示的网站地址名。

    Internationalized domain names , or idns , are web addresses in your own language .

  9. CEN成员有责任将其翻译成本国语言,并告知管理中心,其他语种的翻译版本与官方版本地位相同。

    A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions .

  10. 在信中她回应近日一篇已笔录成F1927,中文的〈供养上师〉,的国语讲述。

    In the letter she responded to the recent talk in Mandarin that had been transcribed into F1927 , Making Offerings to Guru , in Chinese .

  11. 这部包含英语、国语及粤语对白的影片在北美一些影院上映,只售出了少量影票,影片的发行商是Radius-TWC。

    The film , which has dialogue in English , Mandarin and Cantonese , sold few tickets when it was released on a handful of screens in the United States by Radius-TWC .

  12. 对《新著国语文法》析句法的再认识

    A Reinvestigation of the Syntactic Studies in The New Chinese Grammar

  13. 德语为德国的国语。

    For example , greman is the national langrage of germany .

  14. 其次,通过与其它史料的比较,分析《国语》典制史料的特点与真实程度。

    Secondly , we compare these institutions with other historical materials .

  15. 《新著国语文法》与《汉语语法学》比较研究

    Comparative Studies of the New Chinese Grammar and the Chinese Grammar

  16. 我们每周有国语,语,语主日崇拜。

    We have Mandarin and English / Cantonese Sunday Services weekly .

  17. 科学工作者必须精通几门外国语。

    It is essential that a scientific worker know foreign languages .

  18. 有时她教我巨人国语。

    And sometimes she taught me the language of the country .

  19. 格莱斯顿70岁时又开始学习一门外国语;

    Gladstone took up a new language when he was seventy .

  20. 你读英国语,而且回答我在华语。

    You read English , and answer me in Chinese .

  21. 现代汉语语法的开创性著作&《新著国语文法》的再认识和再评价

    Reassessment and Reevaluation of A New Grammar of the Chinese National Language

  22. 粤语有九个不同的音调,国语只有四个。

    Cantonese has 9 tones while mandarin only has four .

  23. 加强民族文化传统教育和国语教育;

    Strengthening education of national culture , national tradition and mother language ;

  24. 我想和能说国语的人讲话。

    Good command of written and spoken English and Mandarin .

  25. 你认为我应该学习物理学或法国语吗?

    Do you think I should study physics or french ?

  26. 除了英语外,我们还需学习第二门外国语。

    Besides English , we have to learn a second foreign language .

  27. 学一门外国语要花很多时间。

    It takes a lot of time to learn a foreign language .

  28. 我们在把法语作为第二外国语学习。

    We are learning French as a second foreign language .

  29. 《新著国语文法》的学术地位和价值

    A New Chinese Grammar : its scholastic position and value

  30. 给英联邦新公民安排的本国语节目。

    The vernacular programmes for new citizens of the uk .