
guó hào
  • the title of a reigning dynasty
国号 [guó hào]
  • [the title of a reigning dynasty] 一国的称号,如汉、唐、宋、元、明、清等

国号[guó hào]
  1. 元与清定立国号的思想文化分析

    Ideological Culture Analysis of the Titles of Yuan and Qing Dynasties

  2. 单一国号下的南北联邦制美国联邦储备银行交换所制度

    North-South Confederation under a Single National Title Federal Reserve Clearing House System

  3. 从国号的变更看古代日本的华夷意识

    The Study of the Zhonghua Consciousness in Ancient Japan by its Title Change

  4. 虽然是同一个国号,却是两个朝代。

    Although the country is the same one , but it is two dynasties .

  5. 中国历史上的汉国号

    The Reigning Dynasty of Han in Chinese History

  6. 1636年,皇太极改国号为清。

    In1636 , he changed into clear .

  7. 民族认同感如斯滋长,久而久之必然可以称呼为国号。

    As a sense of national identity grew so did the use of national names .

  8. 辽朝一代的国号变迁,远比人们过去所知道的情况要复杂得多。

    The evolution of the title of the Liao dynasty was more complicated than is generally thought .

  9. 渤海国号来源于唐朝对大柞荣为代表的古大氏族团地望的尊崇。

    The name of country-Bohai came from respect to ancient big racial mass Diwang that present as Dazuorong of the Tang dynasty .

  10. 到杨溥在位时,丞相徐温等立杨溥为天子,国号吴。

    After that Yangpu was made to be Emperor of Wu by Xu Wen , his chancellor , with the State title Wu .

  11. 本文通过对渤海国的主要居民的族属、国号的分析阐述了其国为靺鞨之国。

    The article discussed the Mohe State by analyzing the national property and the name of a dynasty of principal people in Bohai sea country .

  12. 公元581年,北周外戚杨坚废静帝自立,改国号为隋,是为文帝,北朝结束。最终由隋文帝杨坚灭南朝陈,重新统一了中国。

    In 581 , Yang Jian , a family member of Northern Zhou 's empress usurped the throne and changed the name to the Sui .

  13. 汉国号所具有的特殊象征意义,又使得汉成为域外有关中国的一种习惯称谓,并逐渐演化为此后直至现今中国主体民族的族称。

    The symbolic meaning of Han has made Han a habitual extraterritorial title of China and has changed into the present title of Chinese major nationality .

  14. 公元23年,王匡、王凤等立汉室宗亲刘玄为皇帝,国号“汉”,年号“更始”。

    In 23 , the Green Woodmen installed Liu Xuan as emperor , a member of the Han royal house , using the reign title of Gengshi .

  15. 她在希德城的多个领事馆中继续使用共和国国号,拒绝为迎合科洛桑新政府而更改这些名称。

    She kept the name republic on many of the governing consulate offices in theed , refusing to change their titles to reflect the new government on coruscant .

  16. 赵构仍然称呼他的政权为“大宋”并立国号“建炎”,这其实就是我们所知的南宋。

    Zhao Gou still called his regime the " Great Song " , which became known as the Southern Song , and chose the reign title of Jianyan .

  17. 1260年,忽必烈继承汗位,1271年改国号为元,即元世祖。

    In the year of 1260 , Ku-blai inherited the Han and changed the reign title into Yuan and Kublai was Yuan Shizu ( the first king of the Yuan Dynasty ) .

  18. 侯景见形势不利,急于称帝,于是废萧纲,萧栋自立,改国号汉,大杀萧衍子孙,此时梁已完全处于崩溃的边缘。

    Being eager to ascend to throne , Hou Jing dethroned Xiao Gang , then Xiao Dong and proclaimed to be Emperor of Han accompanied with the mass killing of Xiao9s families .

  19. 会同元年(947),辽太宗灭后晋,改国号大辽。

    In the 1st year of Huitong ( 947 ) , Emperor Taizong of the Liao defeated the Later Jin and changed the name of his dynasty to the " Great Liao . "

  20. 这个创业故事很让人震撼,它打破了只有贵族才能当帝王的习惯,以至于国家的民众都甘愿接受国号汉作为民族的称呼。

    The mover and shaker broke the mode to be an emperor merely from the noble , and his conduct made people accept the title of the dynasty of Han as the name of their nationality .

  21. 公元907年,后梁封他为大彭郡王。隐弟刘葵继位后,扩大了势力范围,于公元917年称帝,国号越,建都广州,次年改国号为汉,史称“南汉”。

    In 907 , he was granted as King of Dapeng and his brother , Liu Ying after succeed him , extended his territory and proclaimed to be emperor of Yue in 917 with Guangzhou as capital .

  22. 他在取得宁江大捷和出河店之战胜利后,于辽天庆五年(1115)称帝建国,国号大金,年号收国。

    After his victories in Ningjiang and Chuhedian , Aguda assumed the imperial title in the 5th year of Tianqing ( 1115 ) . He named his regime the Great Jin and used Shouguo as his reign title .

  23. 公元386年(魏登国元年),拓跋娃乘前秦瓦解之际,在盛乐称代王,重建代国。同年,改国号为魏,史称北魏。

    In 386 , Tuoba Gui set up the state of Dai at Cheng Yue when the Former Qin collapsed and changed Dai into Wei in the same year , which was known as the Northern Wei in history .

  24. 后周:公元951年正月,郭威在开封称帝(太祖),国号周,史称“后周”。

    The Later Zhou : In January 951 , Guo Wei declared himself the emperor in Kaifeng and named his kingdom Zhou , in history the Later Zhou was the name of-ten referred to . Guo Wei was Emperor Taizu .

  25. 公元420年刘裕废晋帝自立,国号宋。为区别于后世赵匡胤建立的宋朝,史学家常称之为“刘宋”。

    In 420 , Liu Yu dethroned the Emperor of Jin and declared himself as the Emperor of Song , which was known as Liu Song to distinguish from the Song set up by Zhao Kuangying after the Tang Dynasty .

  26. 宋仁宗宝元元年(1038),元昊正式称帝,改元天授礼法延祚元年,国号大夏,史称西夏。

    In the 1st year of Baoyuan ( 1038 ) , Li Yuanhao formally assumed the imperial title , designating his reign Yanzuo , and his dynasty , the Great Xia , was also known as the Western Xia in history .

  27. 后梁贞明二年(916),契丹族首领耶律阿保机凭借强大的军事力量,击败了的剌葛、迭剌等人,在龙化州称天皇帝,国号契丹。

    In the 2nd year of Zhenming of the Later Liang ( 916 ) , Yelu Abaoji , the chief of the Khitan Tartars , declared himself emperor and named his state Khitan , after having defeated other tribes like Cige and Died .

  28. 公元229年,仿曹丕和刘备,吴王孙权在建业(今江苏南京一带)称帝,国号吴。三国分立时代正式开始。

    In 229 , following the example of Cao Pi and Liu Bei , Sun Quan called himself Emperor of Wu with the capital at Jianye ( now Nanjing City , Jiangsu Province ) which marked the real beginning of the era of the three kingdoms in Chinese history .

  29. 中宗李显庸懦无能,致使皇后韦氏与安乐公主弄权,李旦之子李隆基击败了韦后而即位,改国号开元,是为唐玄宗。

    Because Li Xian was mediocre and incompetent , his queen Empress Wei and his daughter Princess Anle forcibly occupied the power and played politics . Li Longji , Li Dan 's son bom down Empress Wei 's gang and ascended the throne , that 's Emperor Tang Xuanzong , the title of his reign was Kaiyuan .