
ɡuó fánɡ xiàn dài huà
  • modernization of national defence
  1. 随着国防现代化的发展,高质量的军事训练成为越来越重要的建设重点。

    With the high-speed developing of modernization of national defence , high-quality military training is becoming much more important for further national construction .

  2. 四个现代化,有个国防现代化。

    China 's four modernizations include the modernization of national defence .

  3. 国防现代化建设离不开必要的物质基础。

    The modernization of national defense without the necessary material base .

  4. 高强度钢板是国家国防现代化不可缺少的一种钢材品种。

    High-strength steel plate is indispensable for national defense modernization .

  5. 当今世界许多国家,都在致力于国防现代化建设。

    Nowadays many counties work at the modernization drive of national defense .

  6. 该系统的应用将为国防现代化及国民经济带来显著的社会及经济效益。

    The application of the system will bring notable social and economic benefit .

  7. 如果不搞国防现代化,那岂不是只有三个现代化了?

    Without that modernization there would be only three .

  8. 解决了这些问题,才能谈到国防现代化问题。

    All these questions must be answered if we want to modernize national defence .

  9. 我们已经合作并将继续致力于中国的国防现代化。

    We have cooperated and will continue to contribute to China 's defense modernization .

  10. 农业现代化,工业现代化,国防现代化,科技现代化

    the modernization of agriculture , industry , national defense , and science and technology

  11. 石油是支撑经济发展和国防现代化的基本能源之一。

    Petroleum is the basic energy supporting the economic development and modernization of national defense .

  12. 文章还介绍了我国雷达装备在国防现代化建设中所作出的突出贡献。

    In addition , outstanding contribution of radar equipment in national defence modernization construction is described .

  13. 它的实施对中国的国家安全、国防现代化以及社会经济的发展产生了深远的影响。

    It produced profound impact to Chinese state safety , modernization of national defense and development .

  14. 武器装备信息化是我国国防现代化建设的重要内容。

    The computerization of weapon and equipment is the key part of the modernization of our national defense .

  15. 为打赢未来信息化战争,为祖国的国防现代化建设,我时刻准备做出自己的贡献。

    I am every second ready to contribute my part to protecting my nation in the information warfare !

  16. 雷达成像技术是一种在军事和国防现代化建设中极为重要并且得到广泛应用的高尖端技术。

    Radar imaging is one of extremely important and widely used technologies in military and national defense modernization .

  17. 对国防现代化和国民经济的发展具有重要意义。

    The work is of great importance to the modernization of national defense and the development of national economy .

  18. 目前,碳纤维及其复合材料已成为发展现代战略武器必不可少的新材料之一,也是国防现代化的物资基础。

    Carbon fiber and carbon fiber reinforced materials ( CFRM ) become absolutely necessary new materials in modern strategic weapons .

  19. 把常备军与后备力量结合起来,加快国防现代化建设。

    Unify the standing army and the reserve strength , so as to speed up the modernization of national defense construction .

  20. 我国应加大财政支持国防现代化建设的力度,使我国国防费支出的绝对额和相对额都有实质性的增长,使中国成为名副其实的强国。

    Therefore , the financial support of modern national defense construction should be enhanced to ensure substantial growth of expenditure on national defense .

  21. 随着微电子技术和国防现代化的发展,在现代引信系统中,软件成分越来越多。

    Along with the development of micro-electronics technique and national defense modernization , in modern fuze systems , software has an increasing proportion .

  22. 风洞试验是飞行器研制过程中必不可少的环节,在航空航天发展与国防现代化建设中具有十分重要的地位和作用。

    Wind tunnel test is necessary tache during flight craft design , it possesses important role in avigation and national defence modernize construction .

  23. 随着武器装备的现代化,战斗人员的训练已经成为国防现代化的重要内容。

    Along with the modernization of weapons and equipments , the training of combatants has already become an important part of national defend modernization .

  24. 高端的电加工装备是一个国家快速实现工业生产或者国防现代化快速发展的重要技术的基础。

    High-end electric processing equipment is the cornerstone of the key technologies which quickly realize industrial production or rapid develop modernization of national defense .

  25. 大力发展军民两用的核技术应用为国防现代化和国民经济服务军民通用装备评标中事例推理技术的应用

    PROMOTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION IN CHINA ; Case reasoning method in bid evaluation of equipment purchase for military and civil use

  26. 国防现代化是整个国家现代化的重要组成部分,其发展水平、状况,必须和国家的整体发展水平、发展战略相协调。

    As an important part of national modernization , modern defense ought to keep harmony with the level of the development of the whole nation .

  27. 但由于不同历史时期的形势和任务不同,我国国防现代化建设呈现出不同的特点和规律。

    However , because of the different situations and tasks in different periods , our construction of national defence modernization has gone through decades of years .

  28. 无论中国如何一再强调和平崛起的理念,它国防现代化的步伐与性质不可避免地引起了恐慌。

    No matter how often China has emphasised the idea of a peaceful rise , the pace and nature of its military modernisation inevitably cause alarm .

  29. 同时,普通装备也是一个国家战略威慑的主要构成部分,是国防现代化的明显标志。

    At the same time , the military equipment is also a national strategic deterrent , is the main component of national defense modernization clearly marked .

  30. 我们一定要在国民经济不断发展的基础上,改善武器装备,加速国防现代化。

    On the basis of our steadily expanding economy , we must improve the army 's weapons and equipment and speed up the modernization of our national defence .