
mì niào kē
  • urological department
  1. 尿道麻醉注射器,属于泌尿科进行尿道手术中的一种医疗器械。

    Disclosed is a urinary anesthesia syringe which belongs to a medical appliance in urinary operation of the urological department .

  2. 儿科心理医生梅丽特•詹森(MerrittJensen)与费城儿童医院泌尿科合作。

    Merritt Jensen , a pediatric psychologist , works with the division of urology at the Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia .

  3. 团队带头人、医院地区泌尿科主任迪肯·高(DickenKo)表示,该团队并未拟定固定的移植手术数量。

    Dr. Dicken Ko , a team leader and the director of the hospital 's regional urology program , said the team had not planned a set number of transplants .

  4. 纽约纪念斯隆·凯特琳癌症中心(MemorialSloanKetteringCancerCenter)的泌尿科主任詹姆斯·A·伊斯特汉(JamesA.Eastham)博士指出,两项长期研究表明,这种监测是识别哪些患者需要治疗的合适方法。

    Dr. James A. Eastham , the chief of the urology service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York , said two long-term studies had shown that this type of monitoring was a reasonable way to determine which patients needed treatment .

  5. 这为期一天的实习班,前一天举行的AUA年会,是泌尿科医师和泌尿外科的居民设计的。

    This one-day hands-on course , held the day prior to the AUA Annual Meeting , is designed for urologists and urology residents .

  6. 她的父亲是泌尿科医师,母亲是护士。

    her father was a urologist , her mother a nurse .

  7. 如果你在泌尿科你会做什么检查?

    What do you do ifyou were in urology .

  8. 外周血核型鉴定在泌尿科领域中的作用

    The role of peripheral blood karyotyping in urological field

  9. 泌尿科医师确实认同,多饮水能够降低肾结石的复发机率。

    Urologists do agree that extra water can reduce the recurrence of kidney stones .

  10. 请与您的泌尿科或您当地医疗中心的信息对当前费用。

    Check with your urologist or your local medical center for information about current costs .

  11. 一位香港的泌尿科医师为此开了一些药,而且对问题有所帮助。

    A urologist in Hong Kong prescribed medicine for the condition and this has helped .

  12. 澳洲皇家外科医学院泌尿科院士

    " Fellow in Urology , Royal Australasian College of Surgeons [ FRACS ( Urology ) ] "

  13. 再看各大医院的泌尿科,不都是看男人的病?

    Look at the major hospitals in urology , is not to look at men 's disease ?

  14. 一系列用于泌尿科手术的切除电极有助于泌尿科医生提高前列腺的健康。

    A new line of resection electrodes for urologic procedures will enable urologists to improve prostate health .

  15. 我要将你转到妇科(外科、皮科、泌尿科)去。

    I would like to transfer you to the gynecology ( surgery , dermatology , urology department ) .

  16. 预防泌尿科手术后引流管逆行感染的研究

    Clinical Study on Gentamycin Sulfate Dilution in the Prevention of Postoperative Retrograde Infection via Drainage Tube after Urological Surgery

  17. 411医院的一位泌尿科医师说,前列腺疾病及不育等各种男性病的发病率正不断上升。

    A urologist with 411 Hospital said occurrences of male diseases such as prostate problems and male sterility were rising .

  18. 临床疗效显著,先后在妇产科生殖中心、泌尿科外和中医科应用多年。

    It have a significant clinical efficacy , which have used in reproductive center obstetrics and gynecology , urology for many years .

  19. 方法在做好骨科、泌尿科常规护理的同时,加强了对尿道的吻合术后和尿道会师术后及牵引后功能锻炼等护理;

    Methods Intensive physical training and care were taken after giving urethrostomy , urethrocystopexy and drawing besides general care in orthopaedic and urinary surgery .

  20. 结论:罗哌卡因轻比重蛛网膜下腔神经阻滞用于单侧泌尿科手术操作简单,明显缩短麻醉及摆体位时间。

    Conclusion : Ropivacaine in light specific gravity spinal block was used in unilateral kidney and urinary tract operation which was single and quick in operation .

  21. 目的分析总结泌尿科手术护理记录单的使用情况,以期进一步完善和规范手术护理记录单的内容。

    Objective To analyze the application of the operation nursing records form for urologic operation , so as to complete and standardize the items of the form .

  22. 发生于外科手术6例,妇产科手术9例,骨科手术1例,血管科手术1例,泌尿科手术3例。

    Injuries happened in general surgery , 9 cases in gynecologic surgery , 1 case in orthopedics surgery , 1 case in vascular surgery , 3 cases in urologic surgery .

  23. 适用于医院开展妇科、产科、泌尿科、心脏科、浅表器官、小器官的临床检查。

    It is suitable to the hospital clinical examination as the gynecology department , obstetrics , the urology department , the cardiology department , the shallow organ , and the small organ .

  24. 梅泽尔今年56岁,精力充沛,脸色红润,有一双蓝眼睛。她说她一直都能很自在地讨论性方面的话题;她的父亲是泌尿科医师,母亲是护士。

    Metzger , who is 56 and vigorous , with flushed cheeks and blue eyes , says she has always been comfortable talking about sexuality ; her father was a urologist , her mother a nurse .

  25. 泌尿科医师认识到治疗期间病人能配合是很关键的,并以碎石实践的经历和经验为基础进行疼痛管理,从而更有利于结石的定位和粉碎。

    Recognizing urologist can meet the patient during treatment is critical , and practical experience and experience in stone as the basis for pain management , and thus more conducive to the positioning and grinding stones .

  26. 目的对308例泌尿科行后腹腔镜手术病人的整体护理进行总结,为教学和护理水平的进一步提高提供资料。

    Objective To summarize the experiences of holistic nursing care for 308 patients who have been performed the retroperitoneal laparoscopic surgical procedures in the urology department , to provide the information for further improving the level of teaching and nursing care .

  27. 而政治意识形态不会影响生活满足度-但最保守的一类男性平均会在68岁停止性关系,而最开放的男性在80岁时依然享受。关于这点我咨询过泌尿科医师,范伦特写道。

    Political ideology had no bearing on life satisfaction & but the most-conservative men ceased sexual relations at an average age of 68 , while the most-liberal men had active sex lives into their 80s . I have consulted urologists about this , Vaillant writes .

  28. 初期的研究进展在十月份的泌尿肿瘤科杂志上刊出。

    Initial progress is reported in the October issue of Urologic Oncology .