
  • 网络Location Services;LCS;LBS
  1. 3G时代移动定位业务发展的思考

    Thought of the development of LBS in 3G

  2. 基于CDMA交换网络基础上的定位业务

    Location Service Based on CDMA

  3. 随着移动通信从2G向3G的过渡,各种增值业务需求大大提高,其中的定位业务更是成为其中的主力军。

    Along with the transition of mobile communication from 2G to 3G , the demand of value-added services has been increasing .

  4. 随着PHS(PersonalHandy-phoneSystem)无线市话业务的迅速普及,PHS无线市话定位业务将成为无线数据增值业务的一个新亮点。

    With the fast popularity of PHS ( Personal Handy-phone System ) , the location service of PHS will be a new highlight of the wireless data additional service .

  5. 第五章,对基于单基站CellID的PHS定位业务进行总结并对将来PHS定位业务的发展前景做出预测。

    Then a summary about the location service of PHS based on single Cell-Id positioning method is obtained and the future foreground of location service of PHS is predicted in the fifth chapter .

  6. 文章对移动位置管理业务进行了较全面的描述,重点介绍了它的功能实体、UMTS定位业务的网络结构、工作流程和几种常用的定位方法。

    The paper comprehensively introduces the location service , by-discussing its function entities , UMTS LCS network architecture , procedures and some commonly used positioning methods .

  7. 分析了与CORS定位业务密切相关的数据采集、存储和远程数据传输等多种协议标准。

    Several protocol standards closely related to the CORS positioning services , being used in data collection , storage , remote transmission and other occasions , is analyzed .

  8. 不过,A-GPS最主要的问题是用户对于使用移动定位业务必须更换手机难以接受。

    However , A-GPS users is the key issue for business use of mobile location must be difficult to accept the replacement phone .

  9. MC-DS-CDMA是采用DS-CDMA与OFDM相结合的Beyond3G无线接入技术,而移动定位业务是未来蜂窝网都必将提供的增值业务,故MC-DS-CDMA蜂窝系统中的移动定位技术具有广阔的应用前景。

    MC-DS-CDMA is a Beyond 3G access technology , which is integrated by DS-CDMA and OFDM . Since mobile positioning operation must be afforded as an increment operation in future cellular network , mobile positioning technology in MC-DS-CDMA system has a wide application prospect .

  10. 文章给出了GoTa系统的网络结构,描述了GoTa系统集群业务、数据业务、增值业务、定位业务等业务功能,并介绍了GoTa产业链发展情况和GoTa产品应用情况。

    In the paper , the network architecture is presented and the trunking services , data services , value-added services and positioning services of the GoTa system are described . In addition , the development of industrial chain and product applications of GoTa are also introduced .

  11. 无线市话定位业务管理系统之探讨

    A discussion on management system of location service of PHS

  12. 移动定位业务的开发

    Development for the Mobile Location Business

  13. 为移动用户提供定位业务是今后移动通信系统必备的基本功能。

    Providing positioning service for mobile users is a basic function in future mobile communication systems .

  14. 移动定位业务应用与市场分析

    Mobile Location-Based Service Marketing Analysis

  15. 许多移动通信的增值业务尤其是定位业务正逐渐成为通信领域的热点。

    Several value-added services especially the location services gradually become the heat point in the field of communication .

  16. 第三部分介绍了移动定位业务系统的设计,包括系统的体系结构、系统的组件及应用实例设计;

    The third part introduce the design of the mobile position service system , including system framework system component and instance design ;

  17. 首先说明移动电话用户紧急情况下需要无线定位业务。

    The paper begins with pointing out the necessity of wireless location service in case of emergency call by mobile telephone users .

  18. 本文的主要内容是探讨基于无线网络运营商所采用的定位业务机制,来开发移动增值应用的过程。

    The article generally presents us how to develop value-added application process based on some certain location services system of wireless network .

  19. 建立一个移动定位业务代理平台是加速移动定位领域应用开发和集成的重要途径。

    Establishing a mobile positioning business proxy platform is an important way to accelerate the application development and integration of mobile location fields .

  20. 该技术虽然不需要改动移动网络和用户终端,有利定位业务的普及开展,但是,定位精度太过粗旷。

    And though it is no need to change mobile network and client terminal and is propitious to popularize position business , its precision is too rough .

  21. 河南移动公司针对移动定位业务进行了调研,认识到发展移动定位业务的必要性,结合本省需求,于2002年底启动了移动定位项目。

    CMCC HeNan also start its own LBS project at the end of 2002 according to its corresponding study and the acknowledgement of the market needs accordingly .

  22. 随着移动定位业务的快速发展,移动台的定位己成为第三代移动通信系统的一个重要功能。

    With the rapid development of mobile location services , the technology of the mobile location has been one of the important features in the 3G mobile communication system .

  23. 如何在保护个人拥护隐私的前提下提供定位业务也是制约定位技术发展的障碍。5、产业链尚不健全。

    How to protect the privacy of personal support provided under the Premise of business is constrained location positioning technology development . 5 、 the industry chain is not sound .

  24. 论文第一章前言部分介绍了无线定位业务的发展情况和相关的无线定位技术以及影响无线定位技术发展的因素,阐述了论文的研究目的、方法及完成的主要工作;

    The first chapter of the thesis , the preface , introduces the development of wireless location service , relative wireless positioning technology and some factors which influence the improvement of wireless positioning technology ;

  25. 从定位业务的现状入手,分析了运营商定位业务发展的困境,提出了建平台,开放能力的发展思路,详细研究了开放混合定位平台的方法。

    According to the status of positioning service , the positioning service development dilemma of the operators is analyzed . The development plan of " building platform , opening capacity " is proposed , and the method of opening the hybird positioning platform is studied .

  26. Oracle如下定位其业务套件的主要组件

    Oracle is positioning main business suite components as follows

  27. 本文为移动通信提供了一种定位增值业务,为地理信息系统提供了一种终端侧解决方案,为空间信息移动用户应用服务系统提供了PDA型移动终端。

    This paper provides a kind of location based service for mobile communication , a solution about the terminal for the GIS and a kind of mobile terminal based on PDA for the " Mobile Location Information Service System " .

  28. 无线电定位卫星业务地面站

    Fixed earth station in the radiodetermination satellite service

  29. 最后,对商业银行业务系统一体化整合后科技运行的职能定位和业务发展方向进行了探讨。

    Lastly , the author discusses on function orientation and business development after the integration of commercial bank business system .

  30. 作为一类特殊的金融企业,信托公司在功能作用、市场定位、业务范围等方面完全不同于其他金融企业。

    Be a special financial business enterprise , the trust company totally differs from others in function , market orientation and business scope .