
dìng shì
  • set;einstellung;regular psychological tendency
定势 [dìng shì]
  • [regular psychological tendency] 固定的心理活动的趋势

  • 心理定势

定势[dìng shì]
  1. 两个实验的结果表明,IOR的时程受到内源和外源性注意之间交互作用的影响,而注意定势和时间不确定性是决定IOR何时出现及持续时间的两个十分关键的因素。

    It could be concluded that the time course of IOR was affected by the interaction between endogenous and exogenous attention , and attention set and time uncertainty were the two key determinants of IOR appearance and duration .

  2. 谈数学教学中思维定势负面影响及其对策

    On the Thinking Set in Maths Teaching and Its Solutions

  3. 换句话说,我们跳出了思维定势。

    In other words , we think outside the box .

  4. 所谓定势转换(setshifting)是指包含在注意和反应准备之间的从一个刺激反应的定势规则转向另一个规则的灵活转换的控制过程。

    Set shifting means the control process of switch from one stimulus-reaction rule to another ; the process is included in the attention and reaction preparedness .

  5. 结论:ADHD儿童存在反应抑制、语音工作记忆、视空间工作记忆、计划能力和定势转移能力等多项执行功能的缺陷。

    Conclusions : The obvious impaired executive functions are found in children with ADHD , involving poor response inhibition , impaired working memory , dysfunction of planning and set-shifting .

  6. 以Brown为首的一些理论家认为,忽视学生的语法错误是危险的,它会导致学习者将错误内化,成为习惯的语言定势,造成语言的僵化现象(Brown,1994:233)。

    Some theorists , however , argue that ignoring errors can be potentially dangerous in that it can have the effect of a positive reinforcer , thus leading the learner to internalize those errors , causing fossilization ( Brown , 1994:233 ) .

  7. 同时,许多脑功能成像研究也发现,情绪对认知定势有影响,情绪的主要脑区和定势转换的脑区有许多重叠之处,特别是在前扣带皮层(ACC)和前额叶皮层(PFC)。

    Moreover , some fMRI research show that emotion has some influence on set shifting . The main cerebrum areas of emotion and set shifting are the same , especially in the ACC and PFC.

  8. 另一个挑战是跳出“原型”或“让我们构建一个真正灵活的超级平台”这样的思维定势,把注意力集中在到ppl可用的一些东西上。

    Another one was to get out of the " prototype " / " let 's build a really flexible super cool platform " mindset and just focus on building something that ppl could use .

  9. 关于加强大学新生积极态度定势培养的几点思考

    Reflection on Strengthening the Fostering of New Students ' Positive Attitude

  10. 从汉语称赞应对的发展看文化定势之悖论

    Viewing Paradox of Stereotype from the Perspective of Chinese Compliment Responses

  11. 论在竞技体育运动中心理定势的作用

    Discussion of the Role of Mental Orientation in the Competitive Sports

  12. 我们应该跳出思维定势来解决这个问题。

    We should think outside the box to solve the problem .

  13. 你难道不需要改变一下自己的观念和思维定势吗?

    Do you need to change your perception or your procedures ?

  14. 超越定势,拓展语义空间&词汇教学中对词义的完整把握

    The Full Mastery of Lexical Meaning in the Vocabulary Teaching

  15. 浅谈定势心理对科技期刊编辑工作的影响

    Einstellung effects on editorial work of scientific and technological journals

  16. 浅谈数学教学中思维定势的两重性

    On the Dual Characteristics of Thinking Mode in Maths Teaching

  17. 定势思维对大学生英语写作的影响&汉语模式的影响

    The Influence of Fixed Thinking Modes on College Students ' English Writing

  18. 最终,我们的大脑就会形成思维定势。

    Finally , our brains love to see patterns and make connections .

  19. 突破思维定势在物理知识迁移中的妙用

    Magical effect of thinking position breakthrough in physics knowledge transference

  20. 经济活动不断冲击着人们固有的思维定势和行为惯性。

    Economic activities drastically impact our inherent model of thinking and behavior .

  21. 用系统思维改造领导者的传统思维定势

    Reforming Leaders ' Traditional Thinking Methods by Using Systematic Thoughts

  22. 尼古拉斯·哥白尼冲破了思维定势,提出了宇宙的日心说。

    Nicolas Copernicus challenged the mindset and found that it was heliocentric .

  23. 情绪状态对不同年龄儿童定势转换的影响

    The Effects of Mood State on Set Shifting of Children

  24. 论中国现代话剧作家的政治思维定势

    On the Mode of Political Thinking of Modern Chinese Dramatists

  25. 语言文化、思维定势与外语学习

    Language Culture , Thought Pattern and Foreign Language Learning

  26. 麦克卢汉的遗产&超越现代思维定势的后现代思维

    Legacy of Mcluhan & A Post-modern Thinking to Transcend the Set Thinking Modes

  27. 写出来的文章内容浅显、思维定势、逻辑随意。

    Write out the content of simple , thinking and logic at will .

  28. 如何指导学生克服英语论文写作中的中文定势

    How to Guide Students to Shake off Mother-tongue Shackles in English Thesis Writing

  29. 编码与定势对动觉记忆的影响

    The Influence of Encoding and Set on Kinesthetic Memory

  30. 成于三的思维定势与司马迁思想的结构特征

    CHENG Yu-san 's Mode of Thinking and SI MA-qian 's Ideological Structure Characteristics