
  1. 微流体泵的定向净流量主要来自于Navier-Stokes方程的非线性。

    The directional flow rate of the pump is governed by nonlinearity of Navier-Stokes equations .

  2. 由于各国政府和私营部门试图肃清恶意的网络攻击比如7月导致美国和韩国政府网站瘫痪的攻击行为narus等公司正大力兜售自己拦截来自可疑地址的定向网络流量的能力。

    As governments and the private sector look to weed out malicious cyber-attacks , such as those that brought down us and South Korean government sites this month , narus and others are touting their ability to block designated Internet traffic from suspect addresses .

  3. 该纳米泵可以把电荷振荡的能量转化为水分子的定向运动,流量最大时比细胞膜上的水通道蛋白(AQP-1)还要大。

    The nano pump can convert the energy of the oscillating charge into the unidirectional transport of the water molecules . The maximal value of the water flux even exceeds the measured value for aquaporin-1 ( AQP-1 ) .