
  • 网络Qualitative Metrics;Qualitative Indicator;qualitative index
  1. 第三,运用DEA和模糊综合评判法的集成理论解决定性指标的量化问题。

    Thirdly , Data Envelopment Analysis and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation are both used to quantify qualitative indicators .

  2. 对于定性指标,作者制定了其评价标准。

    For qualitative indicators , the authors have developed the evaluation criteria .

  3. 观察5项临床指标和10项CT影像学指标,并对定性指标进行量化。

    Five clinical parameters and 10 radiological findings were observed and quantified for qualitative characteristics .

  4. Logistic线性回归模型在处理定性指标中的应用

    Application of Logistic Linear Regressive Model to Qualitative Indicatrix Analysis

  5. 针对水利建设项目后评价中定性指标多的特点,提出了将DEA基本理论运用在水利建设项目的后评价中。

    Because of too many qualitative indexes in the water conservancy construction project post-evaluation , DEA basic theories are adopted .

  6. 针对常用的信息资源管理测度方法中对定性指标值测度的不足,结合模糊集理论,将AHP方法和灰色局势决策理论应用于建筑企业信息资源管理水平的评价。

    Considering the peculiarities of evaluation levels of information resources management and the shortage of those methods , a model based on fuzzy set theory and AHP ( Analytical Hierarchy Process ) is presented .

  7. 将前文通过理论和实证研究得到的指标系统设定为定量指标系统(A系统)和定性指标系统(B系统),然后,建立GEP评价模型。

    It has also established the GEP evaluation model by setting the index system concluded through the above study to be quantitive index system ( A-system ) and qualitative index system ( B-system ) .

  8. 论证了PCA中不能使用编码数据的原因,并指出变量中若含有定性指标,应用数量化理论(Ⅲ)作分析比较妥当。

    Reasons why coded data cannot be used in PCA are discussed . It pointed out that it is suitable to apply quantitative theory (ⅲ) instead of PCA when qualitative components are included in the variances .

  9. 首先进行定性指标AHP层次分析,确定候选企业的综合素质,然后将评价结果作为DEA分析的输出项,结合定量指标得出DEA有效性企业,最后通过(0-1)规划模型得出组建联盟的伙伴。

    First apply AHP to compare partner 's qualitative index , then put this results as a input into DEA analysis , last through ( 0 1 ) programming get the suitable partner in constructing the virtual logistics alliance .

  10. 研究生中期筛选综合评价的指标权重的确定运用专家调查法及AHP法.定性指标采用模糊评判的模型,然后根据最大隶属度确定筛选等级,最后再对定性和定量指标加权算出综合素质评价得分。

    The new method uses expertise and AHP method for the index confirmation , fuzzy judgement model for the qualitative index , the max subjection for the grading of the filter confirmation , the compositive stuff is gotten by qualitative and quantify .

  11. 针对上述问题,本文结合层次分析法(AHP)处理定性指标的优势和数据包络分析方法(DEA)分析问题的客观性,研究基于含偏好约束锥的数据包络分析评标模型及其应用。

    According to the before-mentioned causes , this paper combines the merit of Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) and Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ), research on bidding evaluation model and its application Based on DEA with preference constraint cone .

  12. 运用数学中的层次分析法(AHP)对指标进行了权重设置,并将模糊数学中的隶属度模型和模糊综合评价方法应用到企业的业绩综合评价中,实现了定量指标和定性指标的结合。

    And applied AHP to establishing the weights of index , applied Fuzzy appraisal method to evaluate the result of the performance synthesis . It realizes the combination of the quantitative and qualitative index , and has the count for meaning to conduct the enterprise implement performance evaluation .

  13. 本文利用层次分析法(AHP)建立了商业银行储蓄业务内部控制综合评价指标评价体系,并对商业银行储蓄业务的内部控制管理进行了综合评价,对定性指标进行了定量化处理。

    In this paper , a synthetic appraisal index system is established by AHP method . The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is adopted in internal control of the saving management of commercial bank . A practical example is showed , and the numerical result of the evaluation is provided .

  14. 基本方法是:以加权计分法为思想,定量部分运用规则计算,定性指标采用CBR进行分析,搜索出案例库中匹配的成功案例,辅助决策者快速准确地得出结论。

    The general process is : based on weight-computing , the score of quantitative indexes are computed by specified rule and formula , the qualitative indexes refer to the matched cases in the case-base , thus helps the decision maker to get a good conclusion promptly .

  15. CKS-DEA模型很难对定性指标的权重予以置信域约束。

    In the CKS - DEA model , it is very difficult to construct assurance regions ( AR ) for the weights associated with qualitative factors .

  16. 定量和定性指标相混合的威胁排序模型

    A new model of threat evaluation involving qualitative and quantitative objects

  17. 基于定性指标的民航飞机维修决策方法

    Maintenance decision-making method of the civil aircraft based on qualitative indexes

  18. 基于定性指标价值位置概率估计的效率模型

    Efficiency Model Based on Value-Position Probability-Estimation of DMUs on Qualitative Criteria

  19. 根据安全域划分的定性指标,应用模糊聚类分析模型,给出了安全域划分的定量分析方法。

    The study of Divide Security zone method based on fuzzy cluster .

  20. 但实际上其线性条件却常常得不到满足,尤其对定性指标更是如此。

    But the simple linear conditions are usually not satisfied .

  21. 煤炭建设项目经济评价定性指标量化研究

    Qualitative index quantity of coal mining construction project economic evaluation

  22. 定性指标也包括,如果有的话。

    Quantitative data is also included , when available .

  23. 本文提出了定性指标的评价模式,但是未能进一步对定性指标的评价提出更细致和更具体的评定标准。

    This paper failed to be more detailed and more specific evaluation criteria .

  24. 工程项目合作管理定性指标体系的构建与分析

    Qualitative Indexes for Collaboration Management of Engineering Project

  25. 通过模糊二元对比排序法,获得二元对比定量标度,由模糊语气算子最终确定定性指标的优属度向量。

    The other is qualitative and is ascertained by fuzzy dual contrast compositor method .

  26. 采用模糊数学理论,将定性指标和定量指标进行量化,并进行综合评价。

    Measuring quantitative and qualitative index and progressing general evaluating through fuzzy maths theory .

  27. 该模型既能处理定量指标,又能处理定性指标;

    This model could not only process the quantitative indexes but also qualitative indexes .

  28. 石油进口风险的评价指标常常是一些定性指标,而且这些指标是多层次的、复杂的。

    And these indicators are multi-layered and complex .

  29. 运用模糊数学综合评判的理论与方法,对企业市场适应能力评价中定性指标进行模糊综合评估。

    The method of fuzzy comprehensive appraisal is employs to evaluate corporate market adaptive capacity .

  30. 针对定量和定性指标特性分别采取不同的无量纲化函数对其进行无量纲化处理;

    In line with the quantitative and qualitative index , different dimensionless functions were adopted .