
  • 网络Regular repayment;mandatory redemption
  1. 应收分期偿还票据折价定期付息偿还的贷款。

    Discount on installment contracts receivable a loan repaid with interest in equal periodic payments .

  2. 年终未偿还的或有负债定期付息偿还的贷款。

    Outstanding contingent liability at year-end a loan repaid with interest in equal periodic payments .

  3. 他们的资本从这些税收定期地得到偿还并获得利润,而且他们最初的资本也往往得自政府税收。

    From that revenue their capital is periodically replaced with a profit , and that is also the source from which their original funds have almost always been derived .

  4. 商业贷款通常可以定期分部分的偿还。

    Business loans are usually repayable in regular installments .

  5. 黄金是国家之间的定期交流,以偿还债务,解决贸易所谓的平衡。

    Gold is regularly exchanges between countries to pay debts and to settle the so-called balance of trade .