
  1. 物流体系对定西马铃薯优势产业培育的影响研究

    Research on the Impact of Logistics System in the Advantage Industry of Dingxi

  2. 最后本文结合对定西马铃薯产业定性定量的分析,在此基础上提出产业竞争力的提升路径,制定了定西马铃薯产业可持续的发展战略。

    Finally , combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the Dingxi potato industry on this basis the views of the enhancement of industrial competitiveness and develop Dingxi potato industry in sustainable development strategy .

  3. 定西市马铃薯产业发展现状分析

    Analysis on the Present Development of the Potato Industry in Dingxi City

  4. 定西市马铃薯产业开发中政府行为研究

    Potato Industry Development Dingxi City of Government Behavior

  5. 甘肃省定西地区马铃薯块茎干腐病病原真菌的分离鉴定

    Isolation and Identification of Pathogens Causing Dry Rot of Potato Tuber in Dingxi Prefecture of Gansu Province

  6. 目前定西市马铃薯加工业遇到了发展中的瓶颈,即加工原料严重不足。

    A bottleneck is coming into the development of Dingxi potato industry : raw materials are in serious deficiency .

  7. 定西市马铃薯产业在最近几年飞速发展,已成为当地的农业主导产业,马铃薯产业收入已经是农民的主要收入来源。

    Dingxi area during the potato industry in recent years the rapid development , has become a local agricultural leading industry .

  8. 定西市马铃薯加工企业与农户的合作效率低下,合作对象之间缺乏信任;风险共担和利益共享的意识不够;信息沟通不够充分;合作模式的运行效率不高。

    Inefficient Cooperation between potato processing enterprises and peasants is from distrust of partners , inadequate concept of risk mutual bearing or profit sharing , insufficient information communication .

  9. 定西市马铃薯良种繁育与推广体系建设研究黔东南州油茶良种繁育存在的问题和对策

    The Study on the Construction of the Potato Breeding of Better Stocks and Enhancing System in Dingxi Problems and Countermeasures for Fine Varieties Breeding of Camellia oleifera in Southeast of Guizhou

  10. 农业龙头企业融资分析选取了张掖和定西地区的马铃薯、蔬菜加工两个产业的21家龙头企业。

    Agriculture leading enterprise financing analyze , choose Zhangye and potato , vegetables of Dingxi Prefecture process two 21 leading enterprises of industry .

  11. 本文阐述了定西地区适于马铃薯生产的地理、气候条件,分析了该地区马铃薯生产现状,同时提出今后定西地区发展马铃薯产业化的思路与对策。

    This paper described the suitable conditions of geography and climate for potato to grow , and analyzed the present situation of potato in Dingxi region .

  12. 定西市安定区马铃薯产业化组织模式探讨

    Discussion of Potato Industrial Production Organization Model in Anding District in the City of Dingxi

  13. 定西市加工型马铃薯品种大西洋高产栽培技术研究

    A Research on the Technology of High-yielding Culture of the Potato Cultivar Atlantic in Dingxi Gansu