
  • 网络Stator winding
  1. GE公司大型水轮发电机定子绕组结构设计及安装特点

    The Characteristics of the Structure Design and Installation for Large Water Turbine Stator Winding Made By GE

  2. 本文介绍了光学振动测量系统在发电机定子绕组端部振动在线监测方面的发展现状,以及在一台国产200MW汽轮发电机上的实践应用结果。

    This paper introduces the present situation of development about optical vibration measure system for online vibration monitoring of end of stator winding , as well as the results of application and practice on a home made turbine generator of 200 MW .

  3. 应用P对极N相变换分析定子绕组故障的同步发电机

    Application of P-Pair Poles N-Phase Transformation in the Analysis of Synchronous Machines with Stator Winding Fault

  4. MatlabGUI在感应电动机定子绕组空间磁势分析中的应用

    Application of Matlab GUI in Analysis of Stator Wind Space MMF

  5. IGBTPWM逆变器供电异步电动机定子绕组中电压应力的分析

    Analysis of Voltage Stress in Stator Winding of IGBT PWM Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Systems

  6. 定子绕组更换和普通电机是相似的,只是绝缘等级高一些,大多采用H级绝缘。

    And replacement of stator windings is similar to an ordinary motor , but higher insulation levels , most of the use of H-class insulation .

  7. 分析PWM逆变器驱动的变频牵引电机定子绕组内部电压分布特性,对研究定子绕组绝缘失效和进行绝缘结构设计有重要意义。

    Analyzing voltage distribution characteristic in windings of inverter-fed traction motor is significant while studying failure mechanism of traction motor insulation and designing insulation structure .

  8. 利用MATLAB仿真软件建立变频调速牵引电机定子绕组高频等效电路模型,探讨了电机定子绕组匝间电压的分布特性。

    Using MATLAB simulation software , the high-frequency equivalent circuit model of inverter-fed traction motor is established and the winding inter-turn voltage distribution characteristic of the stator allows investigated .

  9. 300MW发电机定子绕组高压预试及故障处理

    300 MW generator stator winding up the pretest and fault handling

  10. 利用I-DEAS软件的参数化立体建模功能,结合编程软件实现汽轮发电机定子绕组三维参数化自动精确建模系统。

    Applying the parametrical modeling capabilities of I-DEAS , an automatic3D parametric modeling system of turbogenerator stator coil was developed .

  11. 尤其在应用PWM变频器后,由于逆变器在电机定子绕组中产生高频的共模电压,使电机系统产生轴电压、轴电流,导致轴承被损坏,严重影响了电气拖动系统的安全性和可靠性。

    The inverter generates high frequency common-model voltage , which leads to shaft voltage and bearing current and induces bearing failure . It affects the safety and reliability of the electrical drive system seriously .

  12. 本文主要介绍三峡首台ALSTOM水轮发电机组(5机)定子绕组安装工艺。

    The paper gives a brief introduction of the stator winding installation of the first ALSTOM hydrogenerator ( unit 5 ) .

  13. 为了提高感应电机定子绕组故障诊断的准确性,提出了一种基于Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT)的故障诊断新方法。

    To improve the accuracy of the stator winding fault diagnosis in induction motor , a new diagnostic method based on the Hilbert-Huang transform ( HHT ) was proposed .

  14. 湛江发电厂300MW汽轮发电机定子绕组匝间保护误动分析及改进

    Fault analysis and improvement on turn ~ to ~ turn protection for stator windings of 300 MW generators in Zhanjiang Power Plant

  15. 本文介绍了ND5型内燃机车的恒功率调速方法,即牵引发电机双定子绕组串并联转换的方法。

    The paper describes the method of sped regulation under the condition of constant power on ND_s diesel locomotive , i.e. the method of changeover between two sets of stator windings connected in series or in parallel in the traction alternator .

  16. TBM-160-2型汽轮发电机定子绕组击穿原因分析与处理

    Analysis and handling of stator coil broken down in Russia TBM-160-2 turbine generator

  17. 清河电厂5号200MW发电机定子绕组大修装配和技术改造

    Major overhaul and upgrading schemes for 200 MW power generator stator winding of Qinghe power plant

  18. 多回路分析(MLA)方法应用于同步发电机定子绕组内部匝间短路、相间短路以及定子单相接地故障的分析,可以取得比较准确的仿真结果。

    It is successful to apply Multi-loop Analysis ( MLA ) to the simulations of synchronous generators on stator internal faults and single-phase grounding faults .

  19. 该技术由两个阶段组成:基于人工神经网络(ANN)的故障类型分类和基于一个包括模糊逻辑以及人工神经网络的综合网络的进行定子绕组故障精确定位。

    The technique consists of two stages : fault type classification based solely on an ANN and precise location of a fault in the winding based on an integrated network comprising fuzzy logic and an ANN . Some practical results are also given .

  20. 有些人误认为,后备阻抗保护对发电机定子绕组和变压器各侧绕组的相间、匝间短路、YN侧的单相接地短路有很高的灵敏度。

    It is misunderstood that the backup impedance protection is high-ly sensitive to the inter-phase fault , inter-turn fault and single phase-to-ground fault at star winding of the windings of generator and transformer .

  21. 对36MW/10.5kV水轮发电机定子绕组中注入上升时间为几ns至上百ns的模拟放电脉冲,得到相应的波形及频谱。

    In the experiment , the simulated discharge pulses with a rise time of several ns to nearly one hundred ns are injected into the single generator bars and the whole stator winding of a 36 MW / 10.5 kV hydro generator , the responses are reported respectively .

  22. 结合50MW发电机定子绕组接地保护的设计,探讨如何完善定子绕组接地保护的设置,并提出详细的改进方案。

    Combined with the design of the 50 MW generator stator winding earthing protection , this paper approaches the optimum scheme of the protection disposition .

  23. 基于多回路理论,建立了YN接、Y接、D接笼型异步电动机在正常、内部故障(定子绕组匝间短路与转子断条)情况下的多回路数学模型。

    The multi-loop mathematical models of squirrel cage induction motor YN , Y or D connected are deduced and developed successfully under the conditions that the motor is healthy , faulty with inner faults viz .

  24. 以诊断一台50MW双水内冷汽轮发电机定子绕组接地故障为例,探讨发电机定子绕组接地故障的诊断方法。

    Taking the ground fault of stator winding of 50 MW dual internal water cooler turbo-generator for example , the diagnosis method for ground fault of generator stator winding is discussed .

  25. 介绍了三相双速异步电动机的定子绕组常用的△/2Y、Y/2Y与2Y/2Y三种接法,分别给出了定子绕组接线端的检测方法,这些方法在实用中收到了好的效果。

    Introduction was made to three phase dual speed asynchronous motor 's stator winding normally used △ / 2Y , Y / 2Y , and 2Y / 2Y three wiring methods , stator wiring terminal test methods were separately given . These methods result in good effect in practical use .

  26. 由于不同故障引起的环流特性存在差别,提出了基于定子绕组并联支路环流特性的发电机故障识别方法,并实测了SDF-9型故障模拟发电机正常及故障运行时的环流信号,与理论分析结果基本吻合。

    Considering the difference of the circulating currents caused from different faults , a method of generator fault diagnosis based on the circulating current is proposed . Finally , the circulating current of a type SDF-9 generator is measured in laboratory to verify the theoretical analysis presented above .

  27. 发电机定子绕组中放电脉冲传播规律的实验研究

    Experimental study of the pulse propagation in turbine generator stator windings

  28. 发电机定子绕组不良焊接接头的查找方法

    Flaw Locating Method of Defect Welding Head in Generator Stator Winding

  29. 大型水轮发电机定子绕组单相接地故障及保护方案的研究

    Studies on Stator Ground Fault and Its Protection for Large-Sized Hydro-Generators

  30. 凸极同步发电机定子绕组内部故障暂态分析

    Transient Analyse of Salient Pole Synchronous Generator Armature Winding Internal Faults