
  1. 基于ANSYS的滚珠联轴器的有限元分析

    The Finite Elements Analysis of the Rolling-ball Coupling Based on ANSYS

  2. 论文首先对语音编码的各种方案进行了比较,并对G.液体粘性联轴器驼峰特性

    The characteristics of G. Hump Characteristics of the Liquid Viscous Coupling

  3. 基于JAVA的等角速万向联轴器参数设计系统

    Parameter Design System of Constant Velocity Universal Joint Based on JAVA

  4. 利用ANSYS软件对三叉杆滑块式万向联轴器进行应力分析

    Stress Analysis of a Tripod Sliding Universal Joint with ANSYS Software

  5. 单向滑动联轴器使用点动按钮实现PLC对电动机进行单向启动停止的控制实验

    ONE-WAY SLIPPING COUPLING The PLC Experiment of Controlling on Motor Startup or Shutoff Using the Press-button

  6. 首次将Matlab软件用于叠片联轴器的叠片参数优化。

    The Matlab software is applied in the membrane parameter optimization of the flexible laminated membrane coupling for the first time .

  7. AccuRoll轧管机导盘传动联轴器的设计改进

    Modification on Design of Accu-Roll Pipe Mill Guide Disc Drive System

  8. PLG型平行轴联轴器的弹性静力学分析及设计

    The elastostatics analysis and design of PLG couplings

  9. 基于VRML的三叉杆式万向联轴器虚拟设计系统的研究与实现

    Virtual Design System Research and Executer of Tripod Universal Joint Based on Application of VRML ; Types and dimension for coupling bores and their connection

  10. 单向滑动联轴器本文介绍了用免疫单向琼脂扩散方法,检测良、恶性乳腺组织胞液中的SIgA含量。

    ONE-WAY SLIPPING COUPLING The levels of secretory IgA ( SIgA ) were determined in mammary tissues solely by single immunodiffusion assay .

  11. 对AQ型软起动联轴器结构、原理、性能特点进行了阐述,分析了适合在大型带式输送机使用的工况。

    On Soft Start Introduces the construction , principle , characteristics , analyses conditions for suiting big belt conveyer use .

  12. 采用三维CAD建模装配体有限元分析方法对改造后的3500轧机辊端十字轴式万向联轴器进行结构和强度方面分析。

    Using three-dimensional CAD and taking assembly finite element analysis , an analysis is given to the structure and strength of the cross universal coupling used for 3500 mill instead of using sliding universal coupling in one plate factory .

  13. 采用VRML与Java相结合建立联轴器虚拟原型的思想,建立了虚拟设计系统的框架,实现了该虚拟设计系统对联轴器的参数化空间建模、三维图形实时显示和运动仿真。

    We integrate VRML and Java to design this dummy system and establish the frame of this virtual design system so that it realized the modeling with parameters , three-dimensional display and movement simulation .

  14. 9E型燃气轮机辅助联轴器事故分析和日常维护

    Failure Analysis and Routine Maintenance for 9E Gas Turbine 's Auxiliary Coupling

  15. 针对KJ型提升机主轴齿轮联轴器联接螺栓断裂问题,应用强度理论对螺栓的破坏进行静态和动态分析。

    The troubles for rupture of join bolts on gear coupling of KJ hoist main shaft are analyzed on the base of strength theory and the solution is put forward .

  16. 锥套(TaperLockBushes)联接是利用锥面的楔形作用实现轴和轮毂的联接,它适用于三角带轮、平皮带轮、同步齿形带轮、链轮、联轴器等部件与轴之间的联接。

    Taper Lock Bushes coupling is using the conical cuniform function to couple the axis and hub , which is applied in the coupling between axis and triangle pulley , flat pulley , synchronization gear , chain wheel , clutch .

  17. 为基于空间7R机构的联轴器的设计提供了理论依据,通过CAE仿真软件对基于空间7R机构的联轴器进行运动和动力性能分析,为该联轴器的实际应用以及进一步的分析打下了良好的基础。

    Analyzing the kinematics and dynamics of the coupling based on spatial 7R mechanism by CAE simulation software , this paper has laid a good foundation for the coupling ′ s application and further analysis .

  18. 简述了永磁联轴器的特点与应用,起草了CLT、CLN型永磁联轴器的专业标准,给出了系列尺寸与编制说明。

    In this paper , Features and applications of magnetic coupling is briefly discussed , professional standard about CLT , CLN couplings is drawn up , and range dimensions and explanation are given .

  19. 用弹性圈柱销联轴器测定HB-21型干膜润滑剂的微动磨损速率

    The fretting rate of a dry film lubricant ( hb-21 ) is determined by means of the rubber buffer coupling

  20. 本文对LN芯型弹性联轴器系列结构尺寸(国标报批搞)进行了优化分析,根据联轴器结构参数特点,编制了多层次复合形法的计算机程序,有效地处理了离散变量问题。

    In the paper an optimum analysis is made on the serial structure sizes of LN Core-Type Elastic Coupling . Based on the characters of the coupling structure factors the computer programme of Multi-Levels Complex Method was drawn up to deal with the problem of discrete variables efficiently .

  21. 在鼓形齿联轴器无轴间倾角的情况下,应用自行开发的弹性接触有限元分析程序及I-DEAS软件对啮合轮齿进行有限元接触分析;

    When the inclination of axes does not exist , the FE contact analysis of the meshing gears is carried out by the means both of the FE elastic contact analysis program developed by our own lab and of the I-DEAS software .

  22. 针对10MW高温气冷堆(HTR-10)控制棒传动机构可能出现的事故隐患&链条断裂、联轴器键损坏等现象,建立了其传动机构的理论分析模型,进行了能量分析。

    This paper presents a theoretical model for the control rod drive mechanism for the 10MW High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor ( HTR 10 ) and analyzes accidents which may occur in the drive mechanism , for example , chain break , coupling damage and other damage scenarios .

  23. XT-12通井机易发生的故障的主要部位是滚筒变速箱传动装置,其主要原因是滚筒变速箱传动系统中的滚子联轴器润滑不当所至。

    The main part apt to troubles is the power transmission unit of drum gears in drifting machine named XT-12 , and the major reason for this is its shaft coupling of roller which is not lubricated properly .

  24. 润滑空压机联轴器,目视检查干式联轴器。

    Lubricated air compressor coupling , visual inspection of dry-type coupling .

  25. 齿轮联轴器对轴承转子系统失稳转速的影响

    Influence of Gear Couplings on the Instability of Bearing Rotor Systems

  26. 弹性环骨架联轴器的初步分析

    The Preliminary Analysis of the Coupling Reinforced with an Elastic Ring

  27. 液压安全联轴器在主轧机上的应用实践

    Application Practice of the Hydraulic Safety Coupling in Main Rolling Stand

  28. 柔性联轴器非线性阻尼对扭转减振的影响

    Influence of nonlinear damping of flexible coupling on torsional vibration reduction

  29. 橡胶套筒弹性联轴器扭振动态特性计算

    Calculation on torsional vibration dynamic characteristics of rubber sleeve elastic coupling

  30. 连续四边形膜片联轴器的疲劳分析与计算

    The Fatigue Analysis and Calculation of the Successive Quadrilateral Diaphragm Coupling