
dìng dū
  • establish a capital;choose a site for the capital
定都 [dìng dū]
  • (1) [choose a site for the capital]∶确定某地为首都

  • (2) [establish a capital]∶把首都设在 [某地]

定都[dìng dū]
  1. 通常对控制系统中PID参数的整定都是凭经验进行的,很难达到较为理想的调节指标。

    Usually the tuning of PID control system parameters is based on experience , and it is difficult to achieve its aim by the method .

  2. 分析表明,负荷模型、机端负荷率和发电机出力对PSS参数整定都有一定程度的影响,且负荷模型对PSS参数整定的影响程度随着发电机出力和机端负荷率的变化而变化。

    Analysis shows that the load model , machine-side load rate and generator output have a certain degree of influence to the PSS parameter tuning , and the degree of influence of the load model changes while the machine-side load rate and generator output are different .

  3. 在玻璃表面上,吡定都是化学地吸收在路易斯和布朗斯特德位置上的。

    The pyridine was chemisorbed at both Lewis and Bronsted sites on the glass surface .

  4. 北京是新中国的首都,在中国的历史上有九个朝代定都与此。

    Beijing is the capital of New China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese history .

  5. 商朝定都河南,中国有文字记载的历史是从这暑期开始的。

    The Shang dynasty , during which period China 's written history began , made its capital in Henan .

  6. 赵匡胤自立为“太祖”并定都东京(今开封)。

    Zhao took the name Taizu and established his capital city in Dongjing ( present city of Kaifeng ) .

  7. 1927年国民政府定都南京,为现代文学的南京书写开创了新局面。

    In 1927 , National Government capital in there , entered a new stage for The modern literature writing of Nanjing .

  8. 元代定都北京后,开始在这里设窑烧制皇宫用的琉璃瓦,因此而得名。

    Its capital Beijing after the Yuan Dynasty , began here in a kiln fired by the palace of the glazed tile , so named .

  9. 国民政府定都南京以后,江苏省作为首都所在地,政治和经济意义尤为显著。

    After The National Government has building its capital in Nanjing , As the capital location , jiangsu province have a clear significance of political and economic .

  10. 打败项羽后,刘邦于公元前202年建立汉朝,定都长安(今西安)。

    Having defeated Xiang Yu , Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty in 202 BC and made Chang'an ( present city of Xian ) his capital city .

  11. 在头一年获得奖金排名或者联邦快递杯积分榜排名前30的选手根据赞助商而定都有两次不参加配对赛的特权。

    Players who finished in the top30 on the previous year 's money or FedEx Cup lists have two pro-am opt outs that are contingent on sponsor approval .

  12. 我们希望四月或五月占领南京,然后在北平召集政治协商会议,成立联合政府,并定都北平。

    We hope to occupy Nanking by April or May , then convene the Political Consultative Conference in Peiping , form a coalition government and make Peiping the capital .

  13. 公元265年,司马懿的孙子司马炎罢黜了魏朝的皇帝并建立了他自己的政权——晋,定都洛阳。

    In 265 AD , Sima Yan , the grandson of Sima Yi , deposed the emperor of Wei and established his own regime Jin , making Luoyang his capital city .

  14. 东北的沈阳是满清文化的发源地,是清朝入关前的定都地,是清朝的陪都,有悠久的历史,和优秀的建筑。

    Northeastern shenyang is the manchu culture , is the birthplace of the qing dynasty before entering the arrived , the qing dynasty capital has a long history , and excellent architecture .

  15. 在经过数不清的征服者,包括罗马人和摩尔人对这个城市的掠夺后,阿拉贡人建立了繁荣富强的加塞罗尼亚,定都于巴塞罗那。

    After numerous different conquers , including the Romans and the Moores that ravaged the city , the Argons made Catalonia , of which Barcelona was the capital . Strong and prosperous .

  16. 304年(永兴元年),刘渊开始起兵。很快发展到五万人,定都于离石(山西离石),建国号“汉”,自称汉王,胡、汉各族很多人归附他。

    In 304 , he launched a campaign to overthrow the Jin government and soon his armies expanded as much as 50000 . Establishing capital at Lishi ( now Lishi in Shanxi province ) .

  17. 西汉定都长安,东汉定都洛阳,这一变化在当时引起了一场关于到底应该都洛阳还是都长安的争论。

    The capital of western Han dynasty is in Chang ' an , the eastern Han dynasty in Luoyang , this change was caused a debate about what should all Luoyang or Chang ' an .

  18. 特别是定都选址时水源问题尤显突出,其中除了风水地脉的封建思想外,必定还有战略、经济等诸方面的考虑。

    Specially establishes a capital city , the water source question reveals especially prominently , in which besides the feudalistic thinking " geomancy land features ", also has the strategic , economic and other considerations .

  19. 定都是中国历代王朝极其重视之事,关乎王朝的命运和国家的长治久安,迁都亦然。

    Established the capital city was the Chinese all previous dynasties which took the matter extremely , concerned the dynasty the destiny and the national long-term peace and good government , moved the capital also however .

  20. 阿拉伯人既没政治才能,也缺乏政治经验,此刻定都在大马士革的这个庞大帝国从西班牙一直延伸到中国,注定要迅速瓦解。

    The Arabs had little political aptitude and no political experience , and this great empire with its capital now at damascus , which stretched from Spain to china , was destined to break up very speedily .

  21. 太平天国定都南京,太平军足迹遍布淮盐销售引地,从而对淮盐运销产生了极大的影响。

    The troops of Taiping Heavenly kingdom , with its capital in nanjing , covered almost all the areas of the Huai sea salt sales , which ever brought great trouble to the Huai salt transportaion and sales .

  22. 1853年定都南京前,太平天国颁布了反映农民阶级愿望的纲领性文件,并把推翻封建专制主义的清王朝,作为惟一的斗争目标,此时它属于农民政权。

    Before making its capital in Nanjing in 1853 , Taiping Heavenly Kingdom issued political lines reflecting the peasants ' interests and set its aim to topple the power of Qing dynasty , it was of the " power of peasants " .

  23. 最后分三个阶段按时间顺序概述了从国民政府1927年定都南京开始,到实行两年禁毒,六年禁烟运动前禁烟方针政策的演变。

    Finally , it divides into three stages to sum up the development of the principles and policies from the National Government made Nanjing the capital in 1927 to " drug-banning in two years , opium-banning in six years " in the order of time .

  24. 打败商朝之后,武王建立了周朝。他定都镐京,也就是今天的陕西省西安市附近。历史学家将这一段时期成为西周(公元前11世纪至公元前771年)。

    After defeating the Shang , King Wu founded the Zhou Dynasty , making Haojing his capital city , near the present city of Xi'an in Shaanxi Province . Historians call this period Western Zhou Dynasty ( the 11th century B.C. - 771 B.C. ) .

  25. 1853年6月,太平天国定都天京不久,马克思立即肯定它的重大历史意义和国际影响。预言它即将迎来“整个亚洲新纪元的曙光”。

    Soon after the kingdom of heaven of peace and tranquility established capital Tianjin in june , 1853 , Karl Marx affirmed its historical significance and the international influence and predicted it would greet " the dawn of the new era in whole asia " .

  26. 汤和伊尹见时机成熟,就由汤召集部众,出兵伐夏,在鸣条(今河南封丘东)一举攻灭了夏桀,建立了中国历史上第二个奴隶制王朝——商朝,定都亳。

    Tang and Yi Yin took the opportunity of it , calling on all tribes to crusade against Jie . Consequently , Jie was defeated at the battle of Mingtiao ( East of the present-day Fengqiu in Henan ) . Tang established the second slave dynasty - the Shang Dynasty , and the capital was Bo .