
  • 网络Temporary execution outside prison;temporary service outside prison
  1. 在本文中笔者将从实证的角度对暂予监外执行的情况进行分析,通过对四川省S市的实地采访调查,找出暂予监外执行中所存在的几点问题。

    From the angle of empirical analysis to a city of SiChuan , the author find out several problems .

  2. 第五部分是关于暂予监外执行检察监督制度上的完善与构建,是对第四部分中所提出的问题的解决。

    The fifth part is about the construction of the procuratorial supervision system . First is the construction for legislation .

  3. 随着人们法律意识及对社会问题参与热情的不断提高,原属于法律较边缘的暂予监外执行问题也受到较广泛的关注。

    With the increasing improvement of the legal awareness and enthusiasm for social issues , the problems of temporary probation which originally belong to the edge of legal problems are given more attention .

  4. 根据社区矫正管理中管制、缓刑、假释、暂予监外执行和剥夺政治权利五种类别的适用对象和各自特点,结合实际工作,分别就每一种管理类别给出完善对策。

    Under the control of the management of community corrections , probation , parole , probation , and temporary deprivation of political rights for five types of application objects and their respective characteristics , combined with practical work , respectively , are given for each category complete a management response .

  5. 人民检察院认为对罪犯适用暂予监外执行不当的,应当自接到通知之日起一个月内将书面意见送交批准暂予监外执行的机关;

    If a people 's procuratorate considers that it is improper to apply temporary execution outside prison to the prisoner , the people 's procuratorate shall send its written opinions within one month from the date of receiving the notice to the organ that approved the temporary execution outside prison .