
bǎo zuò
  • throne;seat of power
宝座 [bǎo zuò]
  • [throne;seat of power]∶本指神佛或帝王的座位。后泛指尊贵的席位,即显赫的或重要的人物专用的椅子;亦指这种椅子所象征的地位

  • 冠军宝座

  • 国手们总怕别人抢占他的宝座

宝座[bǎo zuò]
  1. 孙悟空春风满面,高登宝座。

    Sun Wukong , his face lit up with youthful vigour , climbed up onto his throne .

  2. 确实,公元前9世纪亚述国王撒缦以色三世统治时期的宝座上就刻着两个人握手的图案。

    Indeed , a throne base from the reign of ancient Assyria 's Shalmaneser III in the 9th century BCE clearly shows two figures clasping hands .

  3. 她决心卫冕她的温布尔登网球赛的冠军宝座。

    She is determined to retain her Wimbledon crown .

  4. 他继而夺取冠军宝座。

    He went on to take the championship

  5. 他通过弑君登上了沙皇宝座。

    He had become czar through regicide .

  6. 阿加西和桑普拉斯继续他们对世界第一宝座的争夺,两人在首场比赛中均获得胜利。

    Agassi and Sampras resumed their battle for the world 's No. 1 position , both winning their opening matches

  7. 他们企图把罗兰抬上总统宝座。

    They attempted to elevate Roland to the position of president .

  8. 袁世凯刚刚登上皇帝的宝座就翘辫子了。

    Yuan Shikai had just taken the throne when he kicked the bucket .

  9. 上述的早期握手是达成协议或和解的一部分:撒缦以色三世的宝座上刻画的是他在一次叛乱中履行和巴比伦国王的合约;

    The early handshakes mentioned above were part of making deals or burying the hatchet ; Shalmaneser III 's throne base references him honoring a treaty with the Babylonian king during a revolt .

  10. 斯金纳自己也没想到能坐上CEO的宝座。

    Skinner himself was not expected to take the reins as CEO .

  11. 三星(Samsung)失去了印度市场最大智能手机制造商(按销量计)的宝座。

    Samsung is no longer the biggest smartphone maker in India by sales .

  12. 大众(Volkswagen)在驶向世界第一宝座的道路上是不是遇到障碍了?

    Has Volkswagen hit a pothole on the road to world domination ?

  13. 里格斯则以摆POSE照相和大嚼狗骨头庆祝自己的胜利,面包屑和口水都弄到了冠军宝座上。

    Riggs celebrated by posing for photographers and munching on a doggy bone , leaving crumbs and drool on his throne .

  14. 根据美国马利斯特民意调查,whatever(随便)继续稳坐最令人讨厌的日常会话用语的冠军宝座,有39%的美国人都厌恶这个经常被漫不经心抛出口的词。

    According to The Marist Poll , whatever remains the most annoying word or phrase in conversation today . 39 % of Americans despise the often tossed about term .

  15. 这位《广告狂人》(MadMen)时代的广告专家引起了我的好奇心:几十年后,当桑德伯格开始写回忆录的时候,会有多少女性会坐上了企业高管的宝座呢?

    The ad Maven from the mad men era got me wondering : how many women will we see at the top decades from now , when Sandberg delivers her memoirs ?

  16. 不过,最近刚登上全球手机销量冠军宝座的三星认为,该公司能够推动Android平台进入企业市场。

    But as the newly crowned top phonemaker in the world , Samsung believes it can propel adoption of the Android platform in the enterprise .

  17. 新专辑《reputation》的回归,和即将确定巡演的日期,可能暗示了在2018年她将重返第一的宝座。

    The recent arrival of her new album reputation , as well as forthcoming stadium tour dates , may suggest she will return to the number one position in 2018 .

  18. 今年62岁的克鲁夫特从14岁起就在祖父的公司里做工,一开始在缝纫室里工作,后来一步步爬升到CEO的宝座。

    And Kluft , now 62 , got his start there at 14 , working in the sewing room , until he climbed the ladder to CEO .

  19. 你想知道奥巴马是如何利用SNS问鼎美国总统宝座的吗?

    Obama you want to know how to use SNS aspirations to be elected President of the United States do ?

  20. 这是在《生活大爆炸》中扮演SheldonCooper的帕森斯第三次被提名艾美奖,并2次蝉联喜剧类视帝宝座。

    This was Parsons ' third nomination and second win for his work as Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory .

  21. 那份工作是科尔进入餐饮服务行业的介绍信,同时也是她迈向Cinnamon总裁宝座的第一步。

    It was her introduction to the food service industry and also the first step toward becoming the head honcho at Cinnabon .

  22. Q规则的创始人没打算刺激货币市场基金业繁荣发展,或者把伦敦推上全球金融中心的宝座,但确实取得了这样的结果。

    The devisers of Regulation Q did not intend to boost the money-market fund industry or to prop up London as a global financial centre but that is the effect they had .

  23. 凭借这台引擎,两轮驱动的“探索者”登上了市场上最省油的七座SUV宝座。

    With the EcoBoost four-cylinder , the two-wheel drive Explorer now ranks as the most fuel-efficient seven-passenger SUV on the market .

  24. 中国游泳运动员孙杨在周日的世界游泳锦标赛中获得了金牌,同时打破了由GrantHackertt所保持的1500迷自由泳世界纪录,继这位澳大利亚人之后登上了长距游泳之王的宝座。

    China 's Sun Yang broke Grant Hackett's1,500 metres freestyle world record on Sunday to take world championships gold and stake his claim to succeed the Australian as king of long-distance swimming .

  25. 美国的页岩繁荣正在重塑能源市场,使美国把最大石油净进口国的宝座让给中国,并给石油输出国组织(Opec,中文简称欧佩克)成员国带来压力。

    The shale boom is reshaping energy markets , pushing the US behind China as the largest net oil importer and putting pressure on members of Opec .

  26. 他用21.5秒时间观察扑克牌,这个时间只比领先的YanYang短了2秒钟,但这已足以将马伦送上比赛的冠军宝座。

    He looked at the cards for 21.5 seconds - just one second faster than Yan Yang , the competition leader . It was enough to push Mullen into first place , winning the championship .

  27. 现在,联想几乎快要赶上其最大的竞争对手惠普公司(Hewlett-Packard),登上世界头号个人电脑厂商的宝座了。

    Lenovo has now nearly overtaken its largest rival , Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ) , as the largest personal computer manufacturer in the world .

  28. 作为过去二十五年来的常胜将军、福特的F系列皮卡一直成功地抵挡住了雪佛兰重新设计的西尔维拉多(Silverado)的挑战,盘踞着美国最畅销皮卡的宝座。

    Ford 's F-series pickup , the reigning champion for the last quarter-century , held off a strong challenge from Chevrolet 's redesigned Silverado to remain the nation 's No. 1 selling vehicle .

  29. 在大众汽车,费迪南德•皮耶希(FerdinandPiëch)试图动摇首席执行官马丁•温特科恩(MartinWinterkorn)的地位,结果自己反被包括工会代表和政治人士在内的监事会其他成员赶下监事会主席宝座。

    At VW , Ferdinand Pi ë ch was ejected as chairman of the supervisory board by other members , including union representatives and politicians , after he tried to destabilise Martin Winterkorn , the chief executive .

  30. 德国的平均得票率上升了3个百分点,使其重回BBC榜单上的冠军宝座,取代了日本的位置。日本的支持率从58%下降到51%,并从第一名跌至第四名。

    A three-point increase in Germany 's average rating returned it to the top of the BBC list , displacing Japan , which saw its positive ratings drop from 58 % to 51 % , and fell from first to fourth place overall .