
  • 网络IMAM;Emam
  1. 伊朗的什叶穆斯林为伊玛目侯赛因之死而哀悼。

    Shia Muslims in Iran mourn the death of their Imam Hussain .

  2. 但纽约伊玛目拉乌夫否认有任何会面计划。

    But the New York cleric , Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf , has denied any such meeting .

  3. 基督教堂和犹太教堂也大量邀请伊玛目到教堂讲经。

    Churches and synagogues deluged imams with speaking requests .

  4. 伊玛目霍梅尼广场上的茶室。

    Teahouse , Emam Khomeini Square .

  5. 一些人也许理解了女性“伊玛目”可以带领公众礼拜或负责主麻讲经。

    Some people might understand that the female'imams'could lead the congregational Prayers or deliver the Friday khutbahs .

  6. 然而,不需要去称呼这些女性宣教者为伊玛目是为避免混淆。

    However , there is no need to call these female da'iyas imams so as to avoid confusion .

  7. 在伊玛目•霍梅尼机场,他受到了家人及副外长哈桑•格什加维的欢迎。

    He was welcomed by family members and deputy foreign minister Hassan Ghashghavi at the Imam Khomeini airport .

  8. 伊玛目继续说:“那好吧,你可以告诉我它们每一个的重量吗?”

    Imam said ," All right , then tell us what is the weight of each of them ?"

  9. 此外,这个可能在将来会对“伊玛目”这个词的意思造成一些混淆。

    Furthermore , it may create some kind of confusion in the future regarding the meaning of the word'imam ' .

  10. 因此,我认为最好不要称呼为女性伊玛目以便避免混淆和误解。

    Therefore , I think it is better not to call them female imams in order to avoid confusion and misunderstanding .

  11. 伊玛目清真寺内作礼拜时领头的男人(对名人的)个人崇拜(尤指对政治领袖的)。

    The male prayer leader in a mosque . personality cult ( excessive admiration of a famous person , esp a political leader )

  12. 人们每年聚在一起以纪念于公元680年殉道的穆罕默德之孙,伊玛目侯赛因。

    They hold an annual ceremony of public weeping and wailing to commemorate the martyrdom in680AD of Imam Husayn , grandson of Muhammad .

  13. 通常,男性穆斯林会于大清真寺参加周五主麻聚礼,倾听伊玛目宣讲布道,许多人甚至不惜长途跋涉至此。

    Each Friday , men of Islam are expected to attend the khutba sermon , typically held in a larger mosque known as a Jama .

  14. 伊玛目说:“那么请你告诉我它们当中有多少个是雌的,有多少个是雄的?”

    Imam ( a.s ) said ," If you are their creator , tell us how many of them are male and how many female ?"

  15. 但在巴黎东北部郊区德朗西的一名伊玛目查侯麦表示,他支持这项法案,因为罩袍对妇女的影响很大。

    But Hassan Chalghoumi , an imam in the suburb of Drancy northeast of Paris , said he supported the law because of the veil 's effect on women .

  16. 16世纪和19世纪北也门成为奥托曼帝国的一部分;在一些时期,伊玛目控制了南也门。

    By the 16th century and again in the 19th century , north Yemen was part of the Ottoman Empire , and in some periods its Imams exerted control over south Yemen .

  17. 伊玛目艾哈迈德用一系列可信的叙述转述说,先知穆罕默德(愿主福安之)画了四条线,并对他的弟子们说“你们知道这些是什么吗?”

    Imam Ahmad reported with an authentic chain of narration that the Prophet Muhammad ( peace and blessings be upon him ) drew four lines and said to the Companions ," Do you know what these are ?"

  18. 一名阿富汗难民的男孩在哭,就如何阅读可兰经经文每日课程中,没有看到一个伊玛目,在任教的拉瓦尔品第,巴基斯坦,星期二,2010年1月19日贫困社区的清真寺。

    An Afghan refugee boy cries during a daily lesson on how to read verses of the Quran , taught by an Imam , not seen , at a mosque in a poor neighborhood of Rawalpindi , Pakistan , Tuesday , Jan.19,2010 .