
  1. 在目前宝石的优化处理过程中,许多工作就是围绕微量元素开展的。

    Mary works have been done in optimization and treatment of gems .

  2. 人工次生包裹体指人为性对宝石进行优化处理的过程中形成的包裹体。

    Man-made secondary inclusion is formed in the proceeding of optimizing treatment of gems .

  3. 人造宝石与宝石优化的发展

    Development of Man-Made Synthetic Gemstones and Their Improvement

  4. 钛宝石激光器中用优化Gires-Tournois镜产生15fs脉冲

    Generation of 15 fs Pulses from Ti ∶ Sapphire Laser with Optimized Gires-Tournois Mirrors

  5. 高科技对宝石勘查、宝石合成优化、宝石鉴定等有重要作用。

    Hi-technology is of great importance to gemstone exploration , synthesis and enhancement of gemstone , Identification etc.

  6. 为了给宝石鉴定提供依据,用紫外-可见分光光度计测定了天然宝石和经优化处理宝石的紫外可见吸收光谱,并进行了分析对比。

    In order to provide basis for identifying gems , the absorption spectra of natural and optimally treated gems were obtained with UV Vis spectrophotometer .

  7. 本文的初步分析结果表明,通过矿物标型学说不仅可以为宝石的鉴定特征找到理论依据,而且还有助于指导鉴定天然宝石与合成宝石、天然宝石与人工优化处理宝石;

    The research results show that the typomorphic characteristics of minerals can help us to identify not only nature gems and enhancement & treatment ones , but also the locality of some gems .