
  • 网络practical ethics
  1. 第三,陆九渊的本体论解释学具有显著的实践伦理学的特征。

    Third , Lu Jiu-yuan philosophy has obvious characteristic of practice ethics .

  2. 工程伦理学的若干理论问题&兼论为实践伦理学正名

    Some Theoretical Issues in Engineering Ethics

  3. 这种生物伦理学是面向实践的伦理学,也是情境伦理学;

    Schweitzer ′ s bioethics pertaining to all living beings is both a practice-oriented ethics and a situation ethics .

  4. 泌尿外科实践中的伦理学原则

    The Principle of Medical Ethics in Clinical Urology

  5. 发展伦理学是一门从整体评价和规范发展实践的应用伦理学。

    Ethics of development is an applying ethics which evaluates and regulates practice of development from the whole .

  6. 发展伦理学正是反思、约束和规范人的发展实践的新伦理学。

    Ethics of development is just a new ethics regarding reflecting , restricting and giving a norm in developmental practice .

  7. 那种模拟西方对立二分的哲学美学,那种本质论、认识论、实践论和伦理学的概念推演已经走向终结。

    The philosophic esthetics simulating the antinomy and separate thoughts in West , and the conception deducing of metaphysics , epistemology , practical theory and ethnics have arrived in the end .

  8. 互动式实践法在护理伦理学教学中的应用

    Application of interactive practice in teaching of nursing ethics

  9. 制度伦理问题研究关注社会生活实践,是当代伦理学正在进入的新境域。

    It pays close attention to the practice of social life and is becoming a new area in modern ethics .

  10. 针对传染病护理中常见的伦理问题,结合临床实践,以生命伦理学的基本原则为依据,进行理性的原因分析,提出对策。

    This article has analyzed the reasons of these ethical problems commonly emerging in the nursing of infectious diseases , combined the clinical practice and put forward corresponding countermeasures based on the principles of life ethics .

  11. 论述了医疗实践行为异化的实质,在此基础上剖析了医疗行为功利主义的根本所在,并对医疗实践观念的伦理学评价标准进行了深入的论证。

    This article discuss substance about strange of Medical practice and analyse basic cause of function doctrine of Medical practice . Then , demonstrate ethical norm Medical practice view .