
  • 网络actual demand for money;real money demand;Real Demand For Money
  1. 名义货币需求与实际货币需求

    Nominal demand for money and actual demand for money

  2. 实际货币需求在1974年下降,但幅度甚微。

    The demand for real money fell in1974 but only slightly .

  3. 根据货币需求的短期动态调整模型,当实际货币需求在短期偏离长期的均衡状态时,均能通过长期均衡的误差修正项将这种非均衡调整到均衡状态。

    According to the short-term dynamic adjustment model of the monetary demand , when the demand for real money deviates from the long-term equilibrium state , the error correction of long-term equilibrium adjust non-equilibrium to the balance state .

  4. 由于实际GNP在1974年仅仅轻微下滑,实际货币需求曲线仅仅微小幅度左移。

    Because real GNP fell only slightly in1974 , the demand curve for real money shifted only slightly to the left .