
  1. 实践的含义和结构决定了美学问题的特征和美的特征。

    The characteristics of aesthetic questions and aesthetics are determined by the contents and structure of practice .

  2. 从挖掘职业道德教育实践基地的含义、必要性入手,探讨提高高专院校学生的职业道德教育的具体措施。

    This paper will be focused on the connotation of professional ethics and its necessity , research methods , concrete measures and its effectiveness .

  3. 从异态化的角度讨论了实践负效应的含义、表现及特点,提出了采取积极措施减少实践负效应的几点措施。

    The definition , form and feature of practice were discussed in view of heteromorphism and the result that positive measures should be taken to decrease the negative effects of practice was concluded .

  4. 全文从四个部分展开论述:第一部分,科学界定思想政治课实践性教学的含义,实践教学是思想政治理论课课堂教学的有机延伸,是促进思想政治理论课教学紧密联系实际的重要途径。

    Full text from four parts : The first part , the scientific definition of the thought political lesson teaching meaning , practice teaching is the thought politics theory class teaching organic extension , is to promote the ideological and political theory course teaching is the important way to reality .

  5. IGC正在努力定义信息治理在日常实践中应具有的含义。

    The IGC is working to define what information governance should mean in daily practice .

  6. 分析了模型结论对经济实践的借鉴与政策含义。

    Contribution of the model to practice is analyzed .

  7. 这是因为人们常说的实践有着诸多的含义,但是我们认为最核心的含义就是主观与客观相结合。

    The reason may be that practice has many definitions given by people , and the author regards its core definition as the combination of subjectivity and objectivity .

  8. 要确立实践哲学作为第一哲学的地位,首先要明确规定实践概念的哲学含义。

    In order to establish the status of philosophy of praxis as the first philosophy , we have to determine " praxis " philosophically .

  9. 实践概念在发展过程中具有多种含义,在科学技术高度发达的时代,实践的含义逐渐被技术应用所取代。

    The concept of praxis has various meaning in the course of development . In the age with high developed science and technology , the meaning of praxis is replaced by the application on technology gradually .

  10. 再次,将实践教学分为课堂实践教学和课外实践教学两大类,分别对实践教学的方法从含义、组织和实施、作用和意义几个方面进行具体介绍。

    Third , this paper categorizes the practice teaching into two sections & practice teaching in class and extra-curricular practice teaching , it gives specific descriptions of the methods of practice teaching from several aspects such as its meaning , organization , implementation , function and significance .