
  • 网络The Best View;The best viewing angle
  1. 郭小川作为政治抒情诗的杰出代表,无疑是研究评价十七年诗歌的最佳视角。

    Guo Xiaochuan as outstanding representatives of political lyrics , is to study the evaluation of 17 years is undoubtedly the best view poetry .

  2. 公园网站建议到附近的贾加尔博物馆(JaggarMuseum)参观,获取最佳视角。

    The park website recommends the nearby Jaggar Museum overlook for the best views .

  3. 横跨湖面的一座座拱桥为欣赏这泛舟水上的悠闲景象提供了最佳视角。

    The arched bridges across the pools provided the perfect vantage point for observing their water-borne enjoyment .

  4. 届时,舞台将是黄昏时分的天空,南半球的天文爱好者将享有最佳视角。

    That show will take place in the dusk sky , giving stargazers in the Southern Hemisphere the best vantage points .

  5. 从世界各地前来的人们在寺庙的场地上匆匆奔跑,一发现最佳视角就呼唤同行的游客一起欣赏。

    People from all over the world 25 ) scurry about the temple grounds , calling to fellow travelers to join them once the perfect viewpoint is claimed .

  6. 集体意识是研究日本社会的一个最佳视角,全面透彻地分析和把握集体意识在日本社会发展中的作用,能更好地指导今后的中日交往,这也将是我们今后要不断努力的方向。

    Analyzing and grasping fully and thoroughly the effect of Japanese collective consciousness in the whole process of social development , can let us guide future Sino-Japanese exchanges more effectively .

  7. 同时具有驾驶全过程复现功能,可以选择最佳视角显示受训者驾驶的全过程,量化驾驶出现的差错。

    At the same time to repeat the whole process of driving display , you can choose to show the trainees the best perspective of the whole process of driving , driving to quantify the errors occurs .

  8. 本论文从关联理论的最佳关联视角论述预测策略在口译实践中的应用。

    This thesis analyzes the anticipation strategy in interpretation from the perspective of optimal relevance .

  9. 结果视觉诱发电位的最佳刺激视角和阈刺激视角与主观视力水平存在显著相关。

    The VEP with optimal stimuli and threshold stimuli were recorded , then the relational universal test chart was analyzed statistically .

  10. 另外,在象形字的创造中,造字者采用了平视(横向正面和纵向侧面)、仰视、俯视和多角度全视四种描写视角,每个事物都以最佳描写视角展现其典型特征。

    In addition , pictograph takes four perspectives : smooth inspect ( transverse front and longitudinal profile ), looking up , looking down and synthesize many angles . To show their typical features , every one is described in the best view .