
  • 网络Minimum safety distance;minimum clearance;Min Clearance
  1. 应用数值仿真,结合完全统计数据,应用MATLAB软件验证了车辆变道最小安全距离模型的可行性。

    Application of numerical simulation , combined with union statistical data , has verified the feasibility of a minimum safe distance model using the software of MATLAB .

  2. 模拟结果表明对于锰钢材料、内径为12410mm液化烃压力储罐,稳态池火灾情况下,相邻两储罐之间的最小安全距离为15m。

    The result showed that under steady state pool fire , the minimum safety distance between two tanks made of manganese steel with a diameter of 12 ? 410 ? mm is 15 ?

  3. 在该线路上进行带电作业时,推荐相对地最小安全距离不小于2.1m。

    When hot-line work is being conducted , the recommended minimum safe distance between phase conductor and the ground should not be less then 2.1m .

  4. 在此基础上,提出了确定最小安全距离的方法和减振措施。

    The measures to minimize vibration damage are proposed .

  5. 推荐了爆炸地震波、冲击波、飞石的最小安全距离的计算方法。

    The methods for calculation of minimum permitted distances on blasting vibration , shockwave and flying rocks are proposed .

  6. 通过设置最小安全距离,确保系统在编队的过程中不会发生碰撞问题。

    We can make the minimum safe distance between the vessels to ensure any two vessels against collision in the process of formation .

  7. 验证了模型的正确性,临界间隙、随车时距、车辆变道时的最小安全距离、变道时间等重要参数得以确定。

    Has confirmed the model accuracy , the critical gap , the time curve , the minimum safe distance when the vehicles change lane , the time of changing lane and so on these key parameters had been determined .

  8. 系统的分析了与导弹武器系统有关的安全技术指标如最小安全距离,噪声大小、过载要求、射手使用安全性,电磁兼容性设计和电器总体安全性设计和结构总体安全性设计等。

    In safe design , it points out calculate method of least safe distance , regulates maximal ultimate noise value , over lording require , shooter use safe , safe design of EMC , electrical apparatus and configuration systems .

  9. 抗力和配筋率相同,600mm厚比450mm厚的简支墙不破坏的最小安全爆炸距离减少了3%。

    When the wall has same ductility and reinforcement ratio , 600 mm thick wall minimum safe distance reduces 3 % over 450 mm thick wall .

  10. 车道变换碰撞预警分析及最小纵向安全距离模型的研究

    Study on Collision Avoidance Analysis for Lane Changing and Minimum Longitudinal Safety Spacing Model

  11. 在分析了汽车驾驶过程动态模型及制动距离模型基础之上,该文提出了基于最小安全报警距离的危险估计算法。

    Based on the analysis of dynamic model of vehicle traveling and model of braking distance , a minimal-safety - distance-based algorithm of risk estimation is presented in this paper .

  12. 概述了最小安全会遇距离的研究现状。

    The present researches on minimum safe passing distance is summarized .

  13. 最小安全会遇距离决策模型

    Research on the decision - making model of minimum safe passing distance

  14. 与礁石保持安全距离最小安全会遇距离和注意会遇距离的确定

    Kept a clear berth of the reefs . Determination of the minimum distance of the safe point of approach and attention DCPA

  15. 最小安全会遇距离和注意会遇距离的确定从投影中心或投影中线的辐射距离太短。

    Determination of the minimum distance of the safe point of approach and attention DCPA Radial distances from CP or CL are too short .

  16. 通过研究强夯对环境的振动效应,分析掌握其振动衰减规律,为工程施工确定最小的施工安全距离,以及合理布置减振和隔振措施。

    With the influence during compaction procedure on the environment studied , the vibration principle is analyzed to work out the safety distance in construction and rational vibration resistance measures .

  17. 系统分析了会遇形势、能见度、会遇双方船长、船速比、两船间距离和本船避让责任对最小安全会遇距离的影响,提出相应的决策模型。

    The effects of encounter situation , visibility , ship length , speed ratio , distance and the burden of own ship on minimum safe passing distance are analyzed systematically , and the corresponding decision-making model is presented in this paper .

  18. 根据当前目标船与本船的相对运动关系以及最小安全会遇距离DCPAS,采用避碰几何的方法建立起本船安全航向区间的估算模型。

    According to current relative motion relationship between targets and own 's ship , and DCPA_S ( Distance of the Closest Safe Point of Approach ), the estimated model of own 's ship safe course domain based on collision avoidance geometry is established in this paper .