
  • 网络Final detection;Final examination and measurement
  1. 但是在传代培养过程中,各个克隆抗体表达水平均下降,最后检测不到表达。

    But the expression level dropped sharply during passages and culture . At last , the expression level can not be detected .

  2. 论文最后对检测算法、三相锁相环和3D-SVPWM在单片FPGA上实现进行详细地研究。

    Finally , the paper conducts a detailed study on single-chip FPGA papers to achieve detection algorithm , three-phase PLL and 3D-SVPWM control .

  3. 最后对检测的结果进行定性分析。

    Finally , we make the qualitative analysis of edge detection .

  4. 最后对检测结果进行可视化处理。

    Finally , the detection result was displayed after visualization processing .

  5. 最后对检测方法进行了相应的仿真研究,以验证其有效性。

    Simulation studies have been made to verify its validity .

  6. 最后对检测数据进行整理分析。

    Finally , we analyzed test data . 5 .

  7. 最后,检测本地视频回放。

    Finally , check for native video playback .

  8. 最后,检测教学设计的实施效果,总结其存在的问题。

    Lastly , it summarizes the effect of those designs and the problem they have .

  9. 最后,检测了自制固体超强酸催化剂的重复利用情况。

    Then the situation of the reuse of solid superacid made by myself was tested .

  10. 最后对检测出的运动对象利用最小外接矩形框特征匹配,实现对它们的跟踪。

    Finally , matching the detected motion objects with the minimal outer rectangle realize the tracking .

  11. 正在等待最后的检测结果。

    Definitive test results are pending .

  12. 最后对检测性能作了详尽的分析,给出了目标检测概率。

    Finally , the detection performance is analyzed in detail and the probability of the detection of the targets is gained .

  13. 因此,实际的刑事裁判过程是先有发现,再对发现进行检测,最后对检测的结果进行证成。

    Therefore , finding appears first in the practical criminal judgment , and then it is tested . Finally , the result of test is reasoned .

  14. 对训练样本中的数据进行预处理并且归一化,然后获取最优投影方向,让样本数据投影到低维空间,最后对检测数据进行聚类判定。

    The algorithm include data preconditioning , data normalized , the best projected vector calculation , data project to low dimension , and finally inspection data categorization .

  15. 文中还对上位机软件的处理算法进行了说明,并列出了外螺纹检测系统的误差来源和提高检测精度的方法,最后对检测结果进行误差分析。

    The processing method of the controlling computer software was also interpreted . The origins of the error and the method to improve it were also given .

  16. 检测过程中采用改进的最短路径算法和方向偏移算法,最后将检测到的干扰线与原图分离。

    In the detection , an improved shortest path algorithm and orientation offset algorithm are used , and finally , the detected curve is removed from the original image .

  17. 生物芯片是采用分子杂交原理进行工作,将待检测样品加以荧光染料标记,然后和已知结构的生物芯片进行充分杂交,最后用检测装置分析杂交荧光信号。

    The test sample was tagged with the fluorescent dyes and hybridized with the structured biochip sufficiently . The hybridization reaction fluorescent signal is analyzed by detection apparatus lastly .

  18. 最后的检测系统能够在复杂的自然环境中检测到目标物体,并给出物体姿势,图像位置及大小信息。

    The final detection system was able to detect target objects in a complex natural environment . Meanwhile , the object pose , image location and size were given .

  19. 论文的最后为检测系统的实用性与准确性,用在香港交易所的实际数据进行实证检验,并且提出股票期权的实际应用价值。

    Finally , Chapter Five in this paper , to detect the utility and accuracy of the system , do empirical test with the actual data in the Hong Kong Stock Exchang , and propose practical value of stock options .

  20. 通过摄像头采集商标图像,在处理器内部进行水印图像处理和判别,最后将检测结果、商标图片通过网络传输至终端计算机中保存以备后期的统计和处理。

    Firstly the device gets brand image through the camera , then carries on the watermark imagery processing and deals with the image in the processor , finally transmits the picture and the result to the terminal computer through the Ethernet port .

  21. 再根据正常行为的数量要远大于入侵行为数量的假设,把聚类结果所得的簇标记为正常或入侵,最后用检测算法对测试集数据进行检测。

    Then according to the assume that the number of normal behavior much larger than the number of invasion , Marked the clustering results From the cluster as normal or invasion . Finally , used detection algorithm to detect the test set data .

  22. 首先检测调制尺寸已达最大的饱和信道,然后检测信噪比不能满足最低门限的无效信道,最后按检测后信噪比距离门限值最近者优先的原则检测剩余子信道。

    New algorithm first detects the saturated channel with maximum modulation size , then detects the invalid channel which does not meet the minimum SNR threshold , finally detects the remaining channel as the criteria minimizing distance between post-detection SNR and threshold set .

  23. 介绍采用霍尔开关测量角度系统动态精度的一种方法,详细介绍了动态检测装置、霍尔开关电路及其使用,最后对检测结果进行了分析讨论。

    A method of checking the dynamic accuracy of an angle measuring system with Hall switches is presented , the dynamic testing device and Hall switching circuits and their applications are described in detail , and finally test results are analysed and discussed .

  24. 最后通过检测焊缝残余应力,发现磁记忆检测能够清楚地表征异种钢焊缝残余应力的集中区域和分布状况,这对工程实际对压力容器焊接接头缺陷的检测与评定有一定的实际意义。

    Finally , we have a test of residual stress . It shows that this method can express distinctly stress concentration area and distribution of dissimilar steel weld , its valuable significance can be applied in detecting and evaluating flaw of pressure vessel welding point .

  25. 至最后一次检测时维生素B组损伤神经中感觉电位恢复率28.6%,运动电位恢复率为85.7%;

    Till the last detection , the recovery rate of sensory potential in injured nerve in the vitamin B group was 28.6 % and the recovery rate of motor potential was 85.7 % .

  26. 在会产生大量死亡的的情况下(例如核战争),一个科学家团队在测试中发现如果在耐辐射菌的DNA中留下某种信息,这个信号可以一直流传到后面100代。当他们最后一次检测结果时,这个信号还一直存在。

    In case of widespread death ( say a nuclear war ) a team of scientists discovered they can write a message in the DNA of the bacteria and 100 generations later , when they tested it , the message remained .

  27. 最后介绍入侵检测专家系统(IDES)和Haystack系统,并给出了设计方法。

    In addition , Intrusion Detection Expert System ( IDES ) and Haystack System are given to show you how to design .

  28. 最后把错误检测和权重操作模型实现,并用Matlab对联合译码加以仿真实现,与传统译码方式进行对比。

    Finally , the modules of the error detection and operation of weight are implemented in MATLAB , and then the thesis simulates and compares the performance of the joint source and channel decoding and the traditional coding / decoding .

  29. 最后,建立检测抗SS抗体的直接ELISA检测方法,并用于实际的SS基因免疫小鼠血中抗SS抗体水平的检测。

    At last , an ELISA ( enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ) method for the detection of anti-SS antibodies in serum was established , optimized and validated , and was applied on SS gene immunized mouse for anti-SS antibody in serum .

  30. 很想知道最后诊断和检测结果。

    Love to know the final diagnosis and test results .