
  • 网络GDP;GNP;Real GNP
  1. 世界货币基金组织预计三年后,意大利将是七国集团中唯一一个实际国民生产总值低于2007年水平的国家。

    The IMF predicts that in three years Italy will be the only G7 country with real GDP lower than in 2007 .

  2. 七月三十一日,政府报告指出,虽然第二季度的实际国民生产总值(gdp)仍有萎缩,但其萎缩速度已减少至年均1%。

    On July 31st the government reported that real gross domestic product ( GDP ) contracted in the second quarter , but at only a 1 % annual rate .

  3. 实际人均国民生产总值显示,世界货币基金组织在184个国家采集的数据中有三分之一都比在2007年的情况要差。

    Measured by real GDP per person a third of the 184 countries the IMF collects data for are poorer than they were in 2007 .

  4. 实际的经济周期是由实际的国民生产总值来衡量的,经济周期则是宏观经济学关注的中心问题。

    The physically economic period is measure by actual citizen 's total output value of , the economic period is the center problem of the macroscopic economics concern then .