
  • 网络Apparatus;Instrument;Experiment instrument
  1. CAI在《误差分配和实验仪器选择》中的应用

    CAI Application in Physics Design Experiment Error Distribution and Experimental Apparatus Selection

  2. 与传统实验仪器相比,测量数据的分散性得到了明显的改善,g因子的相对误差由大于0.5%减小为0.1%左右。

    Compared to traditional laboratory apparatus , the decentralisation of measurement data is remarkably improved . Relative error of g factor can be reduced from > 0.5 % to 0.1 % .

  3. PLC在蒸馏实验仪器中的应用

    Programmable Logic Controller Application in Distillation Experimental Instrument

  4. MCS51系列单片机在物理实验仪器中的应用智能速度加速度仪

    Application of micro-computer of MCS-51 Series in physical experiment instrument

  5. 根据中国国家标准.估算物理实验仪器的误差,得出测量结果的B类不确定度.合成不确定度和展伸不确定度。

    According to Chinese national standard , the instrumental error of physical experiment is and estimated the type B uncertainty , compound uncertainty and expanded uncertainty of surveying outcome are obtained .

  6. 浅谈LIS与实验仪器的双向控制的研究与实现

    Research and the realization of bi-directional control of instrument of test and LIS

  7. 在非接触测量系统中线阵CCD技术的应用十分广泛,但专业的线阵CCD测量设备和实验仪器非常昂贵,这样就有了自制测量系统的需求。

    The technology of linear CCD is widely used in untouched measurement system . There are requirement of making measurement system because the professional measurement device and laboratory equipment of linear CCD are very costly .

  8. 驾驶员动视点测试系统实验仪器为眼动仪EMR-8B(EyeMarkRecorder-8B),是把眼球运动重叠在视野影象上的一种测试系统。

    The driver 's testing system of dynamical focus point Experiment apparatus is EyeMark Movement Recorder-8B , a testing system that can superpose eyeball'movement on the image of visual field .

  9. 介绍了MATLAB环境下控制系统仿真对象的建立,用于仿真的虚拟实验仪器的设计与开发,以及虚拟实验仪器与MATLAB计算引擎之间动态数据交换(DDE)的技术。

    This paper discussed the creation of control system simulation object under Matlab , the development of virtual experiment instrument system , and the Dynamic Data Exchange technology between the virtual experiment instrument and Matlab evaluate engine .

  10. 核酸杂交主要用于PCR扩增结果的确诊以及提高诊断的敏感性,但由于实验仪器设备要求较高,尚未直接用于临床标本的检测。

    The nucleic acid hybrid mainly uses in PCR to expand increases the result to diagnose as well as the enhancement diagnosis sensitivity , but because tests the meter . The equipment request is higher , not yet directly uses in the clinical specimen examination .

  11. 虚拟实验仪器向实验者提供简易的仿真实验环境,并通过DDE向MATLAB发送控制系统仿真命令和仿真参数,由MATLAB进行仿真计算,并将仿真计算结果交给虚拟实验仪器显示以及打印处理。

    The virtual experiment instrument provides a simple and easy used simulation experiment environment . It sends control system simulation command and simulation parameter to Matlab by DDE . Matlab completes the simulation and sends the results back for displaying and printing .

  12. 本文介绍了TPM模式,分析了高校实验仪器管理现状,并阐述了TPM模式在高校实验仪器管理中的应用与实践。

    The paper briefly introduces TPM mode , analyses the current state of experiment instruments management in colleges and universities , and expounds the application and practice of TPM mode experiment management in the college .

  13. 该文介绍了如何在几种典型光学实验仪器中,将光学像作为CCD器件的输入,通过监视器或计算机实时观察调节现象,同时给出了CCD器件与光学仪器配接时的物像公式。

    This paper introduces how to take the optic phenomena as the input of CCD device and observe the adjusting phenomena on the monitor or computer in several typical optical experiment instruments , and gives the object-image formulas to realize the connection of the CCD and optical instruments .

  14. 此外,主要依据FCB网络模型将产品分为高卷入度产品和低卷入度产品两种类型。研究采用眼动仪作为实验仪器,以大学生群体作为研究被试。

    Besides , mainly based on the FCB network model , product type was classified into high and low involvement product . Experimental apparatus was eye tracker , subjects were university students .

  15. 此外,还对二极管激光器光源进入AAS领域后引起的变化和各种小型、微型原子化器的出现所兴起小型专用AAS实验仪器装置,以及一次测量背景校正技术的商品化等等作了介绍。

    The changes as a result from the introduction of diode laser source , micro-atomizer and one measurement technique of background correction into atomic absorption spectrometer as well as the appearance mini and micro atomic absorption spectrometer for special purpose were introduced .

  16. 变温霍尔效应测试系统是大学物理、材料、电子学科的重要实验仪器和研究设备,而Visual-Basic语言提供了串行通信控件。

    Hall effect test system is an important laboratory apparatus and research equipment of the subjects such as College Physics , Material and Electronic Science while Visual-Basic provides serial communication controlling unit .

  17. 该虚拟仪器能够与实验室里传统的JC-83型角速度角加速度测定仪的部分硬件配合使用,成为新型的机械原理课程教学实验仪器。

    The virtual instrument can be used in the teaching experiment of the course of mechanical principle through the cooperation with the traditional instrument , JC-83 instrument for measuring angular velocity and angular acceleration .

  18. 介绍了NID消化过程的特点、生石灰活性的测定方法和实验仪器,并结合某石化热电厂脱硫项目生石灰活性的测试结果,进行了分析。

    The paper presents the characteristic of NID slaking process , determinative method and experimental instrument for activity of quicklime and makes analysis on the basis of the testing results of activity of quicklime on desulfurization project in a petroleum-chemical heat and power plant .

  19. 控制系统仿真及虚拟实验仪器的研究与开发

    Development and Research on Virtual Experiment Instrument of Control System Simulation

  20. 家庭制作的实验仪器并不是少见的,而是司空见惯的。

    Homemade laboratory apparatus was the rule rather than the exception .

  21. 虚拟仪器用于核物理常用实验仪器的开发

    Design of Common Nuclear Physics Experiments Equipment Based on Virtual Instruments

  22. 化学实验仪器替代与微型化整合研究

    The chemistry experiment of the instrument acts for with miniaturization integrate research

  23. 使用微型化学实验仪器的教学与实践

    Teaching and Practice of Using the Microscale Chemical Experimental Instruments

  24. 自动控制综合教学实验仪器开发

    Development of a Comprehensive Experimental Instrument for Automatic Control Teaching

  25. 大型实验仪器共享平台上远程数据传输的实现

    The Realization of Long-distance Data Transmission on Large-scale Experimental Apparatus Sharing Platform

  26. 动量定律实验仪器的改进分析与评价

    Analysis and assessment of the devices for momentum law testing

  27. 传统实验仪器与智能化实验装置比较研究

    Comparative Study of Traditional Experimental Instrument and Intelligent Experimental Facility

  28. 学生们帮助他们的教师搬实验仪器。

    The students helped their teacher carry the experiment instruments .

  29. 摄像型等厚干涉实验仪器的研究

    Research of a video camera type experiment instrument for equal thickness interference

  30. 试述有机化学微型实验仪器的使用及实验特点

    Introduction to microscale organic experiment apparatus function and its characteristic