
shí zhí
  • Real value;net value;intrinsic/real value
实值 [shí zhí]
  • [real-valued]仅取实数值的

  • 一个实值函数

  1. 基于实值MUSIC算法的电力谐波分析方法

    Power Harmonic Analysis Based on Real-Valued Spectral MUSIC Algorithm

  2. PID参数优化的实值遗传算法

    Optimization of PID Parameters Based on Real-Valued Genetic Algorithm

  3. 基于实值编码GA的卫星巡天扫描方法

    A Method for Scanning the Celestial Sphere using Real-coded Genetic Algorithm

  4. 文中介绍了一种应用一个N点快速傅里叶变换有效计算两个N点实值序列的算法,能够显著地降低计算量。

    The algorithm by using which two N-point real sequences can be computed by one N-point FFT is presented .

  5. 2D实值离散Gabor变换及其在图像变换编码中的应用

    2D Real-valued Gabor Transform and Its Application in Transform Coding of Image

  6. 基于实值离散Gabor变换的线性时变系统表示与逼近

    Representation and Approximation of Time-varying Systems via Real-valued Discrete Gabor Transforms

  7. 基于DCT的2D实值离散Gabor变换

    2D Real-valued discrete Gabor transform based on DCT

  8. 实值离散Gabor变换窗函数的快速求解方法

    Fast computational method for basic window functions of real-valued discrete Gabor transforms

  9. 二维实值与复值离散GABOR变换的比较

    A Comparison between the 2D Real-valued and the Complex-valued Discrete Gabor Transforms

  10. 并行格型结构实现一维块时间递归实值离散Gabor变换

    Parallel Lattice Structure of 1-D Block Time-recursive Real-valued Gabor Transforms

  11. 基于实值离散Gabor变换的瞬变信号表示

    Gabor Representation for Transient Signals via Real-valued Discrete Gabor Transforms

  12. 实值离散GABOR变换及其最优双正交分析窗函数特性

    Real Gabor transform and its characterization of the optimal biorthogonal analysis window functions

  13. 利用子群卷积的实值数据DHT和DFT的快速算法

    Fast DHT and DFT Algorithms for Real-Valued Data Using Subgroup Convolutions

  14. 基于实值Gabor变换的掌纹识别

    Palmprint recognition based on real discrete Gabor transform

  15. 基于实值遗传算法的PID参数优化采用实数编码,通过参数实值编码初始化种群,计算适应度函数适配值。

    PID parameter based on real-valued genetic algorithm was optimized with real number coding , Original colony was initialized through parameter real-valued coding , adaptive value of function was calculated .

  16. 为了简化Gabor变换的计算,陶亮教授等人提出了实值离散Gabor变换理论。

    In order to simplify the calculation , the theory of real-valued discrete Gabor transform has been proposed by Professor Tao .

  17. 实值循环ESPRIT算法

    Real-valued cyclic ESPRIT Algorithm

  18. 联合插值限制的实值函数的L2逼近

    L_2 - Approximation of Real-Valued Functions with Simultaneous Interpolatory Constraints

  19. 仿真结果表明:该算法与常用的标准GA和采用算术交叉算子的实值编码改进GA相比,有更快的收敛速度,更高的收敛精度及全局收敛概率。

    Simulation results show that the new GA has faster convergence speed , higher accuracy and higher globe convergence probability compared with the standard GA and the arithmetic crossover based real-coded GA.

  20. 就混沌系统中的Logistic映射,使其在一定的范围内产生混沌实值序列,对其进行量化后,该混沌序列作为密码对数字图像进行了迭代加密。

    The paper is based on Logistic map of chaos system , makes it produce chaos real number sequence , then measures it . The sequence repeats to encrypt digital image as cipher .

  21. p-adic变量实值函数的图像的宽度和中心

    Width and center of graph on real function with p-adic variable

  22. 基于作者先前提出的过抽样实值离散Gabor变换,本文提出了一有效的算法用于核磁共振自由感应衰减(NMRFID)信号的减噪。

    An efficient algorithm is proposed to reduce the noise in NMR FID signals based on the real-value discrete Gabor transformation developed in our previous work .

  23. 在阐述了解析小波频谱为一实值函数是其实部和虚部构成Hilbert变换对的一个充分条件后,论证了这类解析小波变换系数的实部和虚部同样构成Hilbert变换对的结论。

    For this group of analytic wavelets , the conclusion that the real part and imaginary part of their transform coefficients also constitute an Hilbert transform pair was perfectly deduced .

  24. 提出了一种在临界抽样条件下基于2DDCT的二维实值离散Gabor变换(2DRDGT),介绍了其快速算法;

    A 2D real-valued discrete Gabor transform ( 2D RDGT ) based on DCT in the case of critical sampling condition is defined in this paper and a corresponding fast algorithm is presented .

  25. 集值函数关于实值单调非减函数的集值Riemann-Stieltjes积分

    Set-valued Riemann-Stieltjes Integral of Set-valued Function with Respect to Real Non-decreasing Function

  26. 基于作者先前提出的快速实值离散Gabor变换,本文提出了一有效的算法用于线性时变系统表示与逼近。

    An efficient algorithm for the representation and approximation of linear time-varying systems is presented , in this paper , via the fast real-valued discrete Gabor transforms proposed in our previous work .

  27. 基于实值分解技术的循环root-MUSIC算法

    Cyclic root-MUSIC Based on Real-valued Decomposition

  28. 实值非负函数关于集值序增函数的集值Riemann-Stieltjes积分

    Set-Valued Riemann-Stieltjes Integral of Real Non-Negative Function with Respect to Set-Valued Order Increasing Function

  29. 研究了简化的分数阶Hartley变换,由于它能满足实值输入实值输出的特点,因此对实值信号的处理有一定的优势。

    Finally , a simplified fractional Hartley transform ( SFRHT ) is introduced , which has the property of real-input-real-output to deal with real signals .

  30. 最后,在Hilbert空间上的C~2实值函数有紧梯度场的假设条件下,给出了文[2]中的三临界点定理的一种加强形式。

    Finally , under the condition that C2 real function defined on Hilbert space has the compact gradient field , a strenthening form of the three critical points theorem in 〔 1 〕 is given .