
  • 网络Gram matrix;Gramian matrix
  1. 线性系统格拉姆矩阵可观性判别的精细化方法

    An accurate method in Gram matrix of the criteria of observability in linear system

  2. 本文给出格拉姆矩阵的半正定性的简单证明,讨论格拉姆行列式的几个重要结论,并应用于一类不等式的证明。

    A simple proof of positive semi-definite of Gram matrix is given , and several important conclusions of Gram determinant are discussed in this paper .

  3. 多维MIMO数字系统的可达性可观测性和噪声格拉姆矩阵

    Reachability , Observability and Noise Gramians of Multidimensional MIMO Digital Systems

  4. 格拉姆(Gram)矩阵的半正定性及其应用

    The Positive Semi-definite of Gram Matrix and it 's Application