
  • 网络University of Gdansk
  1. 举例而言,腿长的女性可能被认为适合生小孩。波兰格但斯克大学的研究表明,高个女性的骨盆更宽,那么也就更容易生育&尤其是个头大的婴儿。

    For instance , long legs in women could be a visual clue of fitness for childbirth , with research at Gdansk University in Poland suggesting that taller women have wider pelvises , allowing easier births and larger birth-weight babies .

  2. 画法几何工程通用的语言,国际友谊的桥梁广东工业大学与波兰格但斯克工业大学图学合作介绍

    Descriptive Geometry ── The Common Language of Engineering , The Bridge of International Friendship ── An Introduction of the Cooperation between Guangdong University of Technology and Technical University of Gdansk