
  • 网络quality and quantity
  1. 基于质与量的高校课酬分配体系

    Period-pay Allocation System Based on Quality and Quantity in the Higher Education Institutes

  2. 但多为针对某种方法对某种类型接触DNA的提取或案例报道,对不同提取纯化方法获得的现场不同类型的接触DNA的质与量的横向比较缺乏系统研究。

    But mostly references only aimed at certain method of DNA extraction about certain types of touch DNA or simply case reports . There are fewer horizontal comparisons of DNA quality and quantity among the different extraction and purification methods .

  3. 提取DNA直接电泳结果和PCR结果表明,经典酶法和氯化苄法均能提供较好质与量的DNA模板;

    The results of DNA electrophoresis and PCR showed that both methods of benzyl chloride and enzyme could obtain DNA samples with sufficient quantity and superior quality .

  4. 主要是由于CC可致子宫内膜发育不良、宫颈粘液质与量的改变以及可以导致未破裂卵泡黄素化而影响妊娠率。

    Clomiphene can lead to endometrial dysplasia , cervical mucus quantity change and the luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome and affect the pregnancy rate .

  5. 结论:乳腺前哨淋巴结显像可以了解所显淋巴结的质与量以帮助活检者正确定位SLN,观察乳腺癌淋巴引流个体变异以引导活检部位和制定辅助治疗方案。

    Conclusions : Mammary lymphoscintigraphy in breast cancer is helpful for localizing SLN correctly and identifying abnormal lymph drainage .

  6. 信息时代对网络技术在质与量上提出了更高的要求,在这种背景下,吸收了传统网络技术精髓的FrameRelay技术应运而生,实现了高速LAN生命在WAN上的进一步延伸。

    Information time makes more elaborate demand on both quality and quantity of network service . Thus Frame Relay come into existance after assimilating traditional computer network technique , extending high-speed LAN to WAN .

  7. 对变形链球菌中的远源链球菌(S·Sobrinus)的菌细胞表面抗原及培养上清液中抗原的提取在质与量上进行了比较。

    This paper made a comparison of antigenic quanlity and quantity of cell surface and culture medium .

  8. 总之,脑胶质细胞瘤核NHCP发生质与量的变化。

    In general , NHCP of brain nucleus of human glioma was changed both in quantity and in quality .

  9. IHC技术作为一项快捷、简便、实用的方法,显示缺血心肌细胞内蛋白质质与量的异常,为EMI死后诊断提供了一种可能。

    Immunohistochemical technology , as a swift , simple , convenient and practical method , show the qualitative and quantitative change of proteins in the ischemic cardiac muscle cell , which have offered a sort of possibility for postmortem diagnosis of EMI .

  10. TMJ负荷的最直接来源为咬合力,其具有多向、多样及个体差异性。在咬合过程中,咬合接触的质与量对于保持TMJ应力环境的稳定有着十分重要的作用。

    Occlusal force is the most direct origin of that load , which has varying directions , different types and individual diversity . In the process of biting , the character and capacity of occlusal contact play an important role in stabilizing the stress environment of TMJ .

  11. 人才资源开发质与量初探

    Preliminary Inquiry Concerning the Development of Human Resources Quality and Quantity

  12. 论科学研究中质与量的两种取向和方法

    On the Qualitative and Quantitative Orientations and Methods in Scientific Research

  13. 后排进攻扣球质与量还较低。

    Quality of attack on back - row is still low .

  14. 有机化学中质与量的互变规律研究

    A Study of Quality-Quantity Mutual Converting Law in Organic Chemistry

  15. 两种社会区别的质与量

    Distinguishing the Qualities and Quantities of Two Kinds of Societies

  16. 应用物元变换建立了用于大坝工作性态评估的物元模型,能够实现对大坝工作性态的质与量综合刻画。

    Matter-element model was constructed to assess dam behavior by matter-element transform .

  17. 浅论专业英语口译质与量的定位意识

    An Analysis on the Orientation of Quality and Quantity of the Foreign-Trade Interpretation

  18. 任何事物都是质与量的统一。

    Everything is united in quality and quantity .

  19. 论简单劳动的质与量

    On the Quantity and Quality of Simple Work

  20. 必须动态地看待资产&漫谈资产的质与量

    A Discussion on Quality and Quantity of Assets

  21. 母题类型之间有质与量的差别。

    Motifs differ in quality and quantity .

  22. 本文从金融腐败角度对当前银行业和证券业两个市场的诸多微观运行现象给出了新的解释,基本结论如下:第一,银行业与证券业腐败存在质与量的差别。

    The paper analyzes the microeconomic effects of financial corruption in banking and securities market .

  23. 同时对复方煎煮液中化学成分质与量的变化亦做了初步分析。

    Aprimary analysis on the change of the chemical composition in the liquid is also made .

  24. 加强课外阅读方法指导,提高阅读的质与量。

    Third , enhance the instruction of extracurricular reading methods and improve reading quantity and quality .

  25. 从整个中国的情况来看,水资源的质与量都遭到了严重程度的破坏。

    Judging from the whole China , both water quality and quantity have been severely damaged .

  26. 质与量在尺度里最初是作为某物与别物而处于互相对立的地位。

    In measure , quality and quantity originally confront each other , like some and other .

  27. 两种地下水资源质与量结合评价方法的比较

    Comparison of Two Methods for the Combining Assessment for the Quality and Quantity of Groundwater Resources

  28. 本研究旨在探索任务特性&任务复杂度及任务难度对意义协商的质与量的影响。

    The Impact of Task Varieties on College Learner-learners Meaning Negotiation in a Chinese EFL Context ;

  29. 在确定定额时,工作的质与量都要考虑进去。

    In fixing the quota , both the quantity and quality of work are taken into account .

  30. 可罚的违法性是指具有作为犯罪而科处刑罚程度的质与量的违法性。

    The punishable illegality is defined as illegality which deserves punishment of penalty both in the quality and quantity .