
zhì liànɡ ɡuǎn lǐ xiáo zǔ
  • Quality Management Team;QC group;quality control group
  1. 最后有针对性地提出了如何吸引并引导更多的企业员工参加质量管理小组活动的思路和方法。

    Finally , some ideas and methods are proposed on how to attract and guide more employees to take part in QC group activity .

  2. 以我国企业需要质量管理小组活动为出发点,分析了企业员工乐意参加质量管理小组活动的四种内因,剖析了一些员工不愿参加这项活动的多方面因素。

    In view of the fact that China 's enterprises need QC group activity , an analysis is made of the four internal causes for employees'readiness to take part in QC group activity and the multiaspect factors for some employees'reluctance to join this activity .

  3. 公司建立了一流的技术服务团队和完善的质量管理小组,并已通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证。

    Our company has established a first-class technical service team and improve the quality of the management team , and has passed ISO9001 international quality system certification .

  4. 质量管理小组在急救技术培训中的作用

    The role of Quality Management Group in emergency care training

  5. 如何把企业后勤单位的质量管理小组活动开展的有声有色

    On How To Activate Quality Management Activity of Logistics Units

  6. 如何有效实施质量管理小组成果的评审

    The Assessment of How to Effectively Executing the Results of the QCC

  7. 护理质量管理小组在神经内科的应用与效果评价

    The practice and effect of nursing quality management group in neurology department

  8. 质量管理小组在预防褥疮发生中的作用

    Role of Quality Management Group Played in the Prophylaxis of Patients With Decubitus

  9. 浅探石油企业质量管理小组活动的创新方向

    Innovation Direction of QC Group Activities in Petroleum Enterprises

  10. 谈山东冶金企业质量管理小组活动

    Discussing Quality Control Circle Activities of Shandong Metallurgical Enterprises

  11. 科室质量管理小组在护理文件全程监控中的作用

    The function of quality management team in the whole process quality control of nursing documentation

  12. 质量管理小组有两个主要的任务:找出问题;

    There are two main tasks assigned to quality circles : the identification of problems ;

  13. 如何推进石油企业质量管理小组活动的实践与思考

    Practice and Reflection on How to Promote the Activities of QC Group in Petroleum Enterprises

  14. 质量管理小组与6西格玛管理

    Quality Management Team 6 Sigma Management

  15. 其次,介绍了六西格玛项目团队和质量管理小组之间的个同。

    Next , some differences between Six Sigma project team and quality circle team are presented .

  16. 目的探讨和科室质量管理小组在脊柱外科质量控制中的作用。

    Objective To discuss the effect of QC group in implementing quality control in spine surgery .

  17. 质量管理小组的成员应包括:负责相应部件修理的技术员,检验/放行人员,及质量保证经理。

    The group should include : technicians , QC / release personnel , and quality assurance manager .

  18. 生殖健康质量管理小组在治疗心因性勃起功能障碍中的实践

    Practice of the group for reproduction health on management of quality in the treatment of psychogenic ED

  19. 通过组织质量管理小组,以小组为单位开展活动,减少护患纠纷的发生。

    This article introduced the practice of organizing the quality management group to reduce the occurrence of nursing dispute .

  20. 质量管理小组是组织和动员全体员工参加质量改进活动的一种很有效的方式。

    Quality management group is an effective way which encourages and organizes all the staff participating in the quality improvement activities .

  21. 质量管理小组活动的全面有效开展,能够在很大程度上加快全面质量管理的推行与实施进程,有利于企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。

    The effective and all-sided quality management activities can speed up the implementation of TQM , and help an enterprise to be a winner market .

  22. 团队作为企业中的一种组织形式,对它的实践由来已久,但对团队运作的理论研究热潮却是从20世纪70年代日本的质量管理小组风行以后才开始的。

    As one of the forms of organization , team has been put into practice for a long time . However , the upsurge of studying the team operating theory was started from the vogue of " quantity managing group " in Japan in 1970s .

  23. 论述了敏捷虚拟企业的质量管理特点;提出了统筹质量管理小组(WQMC)的概念,以此来优化敏捷虚拟企业的质量管理体系结构。

    This paper discusses the quality management characteristics of the Agile Virtual Enterprise and puts forward the concept of the Whole Quality Manage Committee ( WQMC ) to optimize the quality management system structure of the Agile Virtual Enterprise .