
shěn pàn ɡuǎn xiá
  • trial jurisdiction
  1. 在该部分对管辖争议进行了分类,明确了实务中争议的主要类型:立案管辖争议和审判管辖争议。

    The disputes are classified as functional jurisdiction disputes and trial jurisdiction disputes .

  2. 中国古代的审判管辖包括级别管辖、地域管辖和专门管辖三类。

    The trial jurisdiction system in ancient China consisted of rank jurisdiction , area jurisdiction , special jurisdiction .

  3. 维也纳法院对于合法的争议享有审判管辖的权利。

    The competent Vienna Court assumes jurisdiction over legal disputes .

  4. 香港的海事审判管辖权

    Admiralty jurisdiction in Hong Kong

  5. 刑事牵连案件的审判管辖规则&由张君案引发的审判管辖思考

    On the Rule of the Jurisdiction of Criminal Involvement Cases : A Jurisdiction Thought on Zhang Jun Case

  6. 刑事被告人对审判管辖权异议申请应当是当事人的一项基本诉讼权利。

    The defendant in criminal proceeding should have a basic right of demurring at the jurisdiction of trial .

  7. 指定管辖作为审判管辖中的重要组成部分,是对法定管辖的有益补充。

    As an important part of trial jurisdiction , designated jurisdiction is a useful complement to the statutory jurisdiction .

  8. 依据刑事诉讼立法和刑事诉讼的理论,刑事管辖分为职能管辖和审判管辖。

    Based on criminal legislation and criminal theory , Criminal jurisdiction is divided into functional jurisdiction and trial jurisdiction .

  9. 从应然角度,我们应该重构行政审判管辖制度。

    However , from the point of view should be , we should reconstruct the jurisdiction of administrative adjudication system .

  10. 夹缝中的变革&以行政审判管辖权为视角的叙事国王同时也行使审判权。

    Reforms in the Crack : Description Taking the Administrative Litigation Jurisdiction as a Perspective The King also administered justice .

  11. 在审判管辖权的法院,有时也被称为县或上级法院,同时具有原始和上诉管辖权;

    The court of trial jurisdiction , sometimes called the county or superior court , has both original and appellate jurisdiction ;

  12. 对重婚案件的审理中应注意审判管辖问题、职能管辖问题和证明责任的分担问题。

    While trying the case of bigamy , we must pay attention to the problems of judicial jurisdiction , functional jurisdiction and sharing liabilities .

  13. 一位农村初中校长领导行为的叙事研究夹缝中的变革&以行政审判管辖权为视角的叙事

    Narrative Research on the Leadership Behavior of a Rural Junior Middle School Principal Reforms in the Crack : Description Taking the Administrative Litigation Jurisdiction as a Perspective

  14. 它是管辖制度中最重要的制度之一,也是审判管辖中必须首先要解决好的问题。

    It is not only one of the most important systems in the jurisdiction system , but also the problem which must be resolved in the first place .

  15. 根据单位犯罪的特点,就单位犯罪案件的立案管辖和审判管辖问题进行探讨,明确单位犯罪案件的管辖分工。

    According to the characteristics of unit crimes , this paper studies the filing case and trial of unit crimes and divides the jurisdiction of unit crime cases .

  16. 梳理了腐败犯罪异地管辖实然规范的两大分类:一是关于侦查管辖的法条规定;二是关于审判管辖的法条规定。

    Combing the two categories of the real regulate of the off-site jurisdiction of the crime of corruption : one part is the articles of law about jurisdiction for filing a case .

  17. 以期通过对其改良,恢复其最初的目的,希望对进一步完善我国的行政审判管辖理论有启迪作用。

    This paper expects to regain the original purpose of the system through improvement and hopes that it will be of enlightening effects to further perfect our administrative litigation system in place theory .

  18. 在刑事立法传统与刑事政策的影响下,我国刑事诉讼法中存在审判管辖异议制度缺位的独特现象。

    Under the effect of criminal legislation tradition and criminal policy of our country , there is the unique phenomenon that a vacancy place of system of objection to trial jurisdiction exists in Criminal Procedure Law .

  19. 军事刑事审判级别管辖的划分依据解读

    On the Grade Jurisdiction of Military Criminal Trial

  20. 最后,建立刑事审判指定管辖异议制度,赋予犯罪嫌疑人、被告人正当的权利,保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人合法利益。

    At last , a system of objection to the designated jurisdiction in criminal trail should be established to endow the criminal suspects and defendants with proper rights and guarantee the legitimate interest of theirs .

  21. 然后,规范刑事审判指定管辖指定程序,应由控方启动指定管辖程序,而且只能指定次数以一次为限,最终由法院以裁定书的形式来指定。

    Then standardize the procedure of the designated jurisdiction in criminal trial . The procedure should bi started by the prosecution and the jurisdiction can designate only by the court in the form of award finally .

  22. 这是一个审判厅,公众旁听席上坐着很多欧洲人和本地人。上级人民法院有权审判下级人民法院管辖的第一审行政案件

    It was evidently a court-room , and a crowd of Europeans and natives already occupied the rear of the apartment . People 's courts at higher levels shall have the authority to adjudicate administrative cases over which people 's courts at lower levels have jurisdiction as courts of first instance