
shěn pàn zhì dù
  • Trial system;judicial system;judicature;judicatory
  1. 论日本审判制度的特点及其改革

    The Characteristics and Reforms of the Japanese Judicature System

  2. 论我国未成年人刑事审判制度的完善

    On the Perfection of the Minor Criminal Judicial System of China

  3. 人民法院实行公开审判制度。

    The people 's courts carry out a public trial system .

  4. 公开审判制度中的婚姻隐私权保护

    On Legal Protection of Right of Marriage Privacy in Open Trial

  5. 巡回审判制度作为我国一项颇具特色的司法制度就有不同取舍。

    The circuit system is a special judiciary system of China .

  6. 元代民事审判制度研究

    A Study of the Civil Trial System in the Yuan Dynasty

  7. 刑事缺席审判制度基本模式包括基本原则和适用范围。

    Its basic mode includes the essential principles and the scope .

  8. 第四章系刑事审判制度之改革。

    The fourth chapter centers on the reform in criminal trial .

  9. 五我国民事缺席审判制度的完善。

    The consummation of the civil trial by default system in China .

  10. 并在边区审判制度的介绍中详细阐述边区的司法审判理念和审判方式。

    It describes in detail the justice thinking and trial method there .

  11. 刑事缺席审判制度的本质透视与程序设计

    The Essential Perspective and Procedural Design of Criminal Default Judgment

  12. 当前我国基层法院巡回审判制度研究

    On Current Assizes System of Chinese Basic People 's Courts

  13. 陪审制度是中国审判制度的重要组成部分。

    Jury system is an important component of trial system in China .

  14. 然而这有赖于巡回审判制度的完善。

    However , this depends on the improvement of the assizes system .

  15. 第一章刑事缺席审判制度概述。

    Overview on the system of criminal trial by default .

  16. 中国古代审判制度的特点及现代借鉴

    The Research of China Ancient Times Judicial System Characteristic and Modern Model

  17. 民事审判制度改革中的基础性问题

    The Fundamental Problems in the Reform of the System of Civil Justice

  18. 刑事缺席审判制度在中国的建构

    Constructing the System of Default Trial in Chinese Criminal Procedure

  19. 二是我国缺席审判制度的具体设计。

    Second : Our country trial by default system 's concrete design .

  20. 缺席审判制度的法理基础是诉讼公正与诉讼效率。

    Justice and efficiency are the basis of jurisprudence .

  21. 我国刑事诉讼缺席审判制度之立法探究

    An Exploration of Legislation for Trial by Default in Criminal Lawsuits in China

  22. 我国家事审判制度之建构

    The construction of Family Matters Judging System in China

  23. 完善我国少年刑事审判制度之浅见

    The Shallow View of Perfecting System of Criminal Justice in Case of Minors

  24. 二是对奉天地方审判制度改革的评价问题。

    The other is about how to appraise the local judicial institution reform .

  25. 近代蒙古司法审判制度的演变

    The Evolvement of Judicatory Trial System in Modern Mongolian

  26. 四我国民事缺席审判制度现状分析。

    Status analysis of our country civil procedure law .

  27. 我国刑事诉讼法对刑事缺席审判制度缺乏明文规定。

    Our country 's law of criminal procedure lacks the regulations to the system .

  28. 合议制度是我国基本的审判制度之一,也是使用最频繁、受众面最广泛的民事审判制度之一。

    Collegial system is one of the most frequently useful system in civil litigation .

  29. 第五部分对在我国立法中确立缺席审判制度的具体构想。

    Part V in the absence of legislation establishing the judicial system concrete ideas .

  30. 第一节介绍并分析了美国的合并审判制度。

    The first section introduces and analyses the joint criminal trial system in America .