
  • 网络Exemption from punishment;impunity
  1. 面对超速行驶的罚单,嚼嘴可以使女人免于处罚,却会使男人被拘留。

    Women can get out of speeding tickets by pouting which will get men arrested .

  2. 过失错告为“告不审”,依法从轻处罚或免于处罚。

    The negligent accuse was called " not cautious ac-cuse ", the accuser wouldn 't be punished or be lightly punished .

  3. 中国另外一个热门网站tianya.com是第三个被告方,但被免于处罚。

    Another popular site in China , tianya . com , was the third defendant in the case but was not fined .

  4. 新的法令规定,公司如果自己主动召回产品可以免于处罚或者减轻处罚。

    Companies that issue recalls on their own will face no penalties or less stringent penalties for safety violations , the new law says .

  5. “他们会找到办法免于处罚,”她说,“这种悲剧不会结束。”

    " They can find ways to avoid it ," she said . " There won 't be any end to this kind of tragedy . "

  6. 在使未成年犯罪人这一弱势群体免于刑事处罚的同时,也能够达到对其进行犯罪后的教育、挽救的司法效果。

    Juvenile offenders in making the vulnerable groups from criminal punishment , but also to achieve the education of their conduct after the crime , save the legal effect .